Index for first names beginning with r (Family Pages)
[Robert William , Storey] - [Ruby , Langford]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [R. A. , BUTIKOFER] - [Rebecca , McKay]
[Rebecca , Merritt] - [Richard Robert , BLACK]
[Richard Rodney , Lockwood] - [Robert William , Sherwood]
[Robert William , Storey] - [Ruby , Langford]
[Ruby , Pollard] - [Ryan William , BLACK]
Robert William Storey {I7236}
Robert Wilson JONES {I4277}
Robert-Mrs TOMKYNS {I12755} (b. ABT 1280)
Roberta Moon {I5759}
Roberta Ellen Toy {I9560}
Roberta Emilee WILKINS {I1863}
Roberta Jane MILLINER {I692}
Roberta Jean BARNHART {I613} (b. 1 Jul 1937 - d. 18 Dec 1993)
Roberta Jean Lane {I8920}
Roberta Lee WELLS {I752}
Robin Smith {I13999}
Robin Lee Schwartz {I1459}
Robin Leigh VONA {I5295}
Robin Marshall TURLEY {I2737}
Robin Randall Smith {I7337}
Robyn Dawne Gruber {I14478}
Robyn LaVonne Johnson {I4858}
Rochelle Wynette Nees {I13742}
Rock Lyman YOUNG {I104} (b. 26 Mar 1897 - d. 14 Jan 1946)
Roddy Vernon Hardy {I10936}
Rodger TOWNSHEND {I12673} (b. 5 Jul 1563 - d. 22 Jan 1573)
Rodger Axel Peterson {I8384}
Rodney REED {I5085}
Rodney Allen BLACK {I7674}
Rodney Brian Burch {I7264}
Rodney Ernest STEINER {I583}
Rodney James SELLERS {I3515}
Rodney Vern Hill {I6298}
Rodney Vern JOHNSON {I3349}
Roger BLACK {I933}
Roger TOMKYNS {I12751} (b. ABT 1344)
Roger WASHBOURNE {I12367} (b. ABT 1291 - d. 1358)
Roger Dale Ahlstrom {I10561}
Roger Dan CARSON {I14324}
Roger Dan CARSON {I14108}
Roger De WASHBOURNE {I12363} (b. ABT 1227 - d. AFT 1299)
Roger Duane Johnson {I7388}
Roger Ellis Wells {I6276}
Roger Guy WILLIAMS {I4096}
Roger Hall Terp {I13913}
Roger Le Grand BLACK {I4864}
Roger Stacey REYNOLDS {I14315}
Roger Stacey REYNOLDS {I14099}
Roger Walker MATHESON {I1051}
Roger Wilbur Seeley {I13570}
Roger Williams Lloyd {I10937}
Roland Egbert {I5755}
Roland KREBS {I1239}
Roland Arthur Jolley {I10869}
Roland Hall BLACK {I4875}
Roland I. Ferrell {I7279}
Roland Lionel Martin {I6960}
Roland Thomas WEBB {I8031}
Rollo BLACK {I1147} (b. 20 Sep 1915 - d. 28 Oct 1920)
Rollo Edward BLACK {I1151}
Rollo Eugene Weber {I6640}
Roma Lee Anderson {I8270}
Ron Layton HURST {I4069}
Ron Layton (Ronal) HURST {I4078}
Ronald BLACK {I1331}
Ronald Dunn {I6707}
Ronald Ford {I5996}
Ronald Grant {I11267}
Ronald Kiersted {I11006}
Ronald PORTER {I6131} (b. 8 Oct 1941 - d. 9 Oct 1941)
Ronald Strange {I10198}
Ronald Asper YOUNG {I1951}
Ronald Brent Johnson {I7400}
Ronald Burton MILNE {I3165} (b. 18 Jan 1958 - d. 30 Sep 1995)
Ronald Clyde BLACK {I9556}
Ronald Creed WEIGHT {I1335}
Ronald Edward BERKEY {I392}
Ronald Ervin BLACK {I348}
Ronald Eugene GALE {I7469}
Ronald Eugene MULLENAUX {I9011}
Ronald Eugene (Hoffer) Van Vleet {I9921}
Ronald George Holmes {I11120}
Ronald Guy Nees {I13712}
Ronald Hardy PORTER {I3099} (b. 28 Apr 1931 - d. 29 Apr 1931)
Ronald J. PALMER {I8594}
Ronald J. Pine {I8932}
Ronald J. Woolsey {I8742}
Ronald James Metcalf {I4848}
Ronald Joseph EVANS {I1157}
Ronald Kent PORTER {I6137}
Ronald Lee Hiatt {I7515}
Ronald Lewis BLACK {I8041}
Ronald Lyle LAWLER {I1884}
Ronald Lynn Lloyd {I10921}
Ronald Mark FOSSON {I1686}
Ronald Perkins GUYMON {I4255}
Ronald Ray YOUNG {I2024}
Ronald Reed TAYLOR {I5136}
Ronald Steven GALE {I156}
Ronald Taylor Buhler {I14047}
Ronald Taylor Buhler {I14263}
Ronald Val Florence {I4322}
Ronald Vernon Hayden {I7379}
Ronald W. Kraft {I6271}
Ronald Wayne ACKER {I14423}
Ronald Wayne ACKER {I14422}
Ronald Wayne Steadman {I6222}
Ronald William Robertson {I8081}
Ronnald Hayes WEBB {I8972}
Ronnie MILLER {I3617}
Ronnie Jay Mowrer {I8465}
Ronnie Porter CLUFF {I3211}
Roquell Ferguson {I8406}
Rosa Nees {I13395}
Rosalee Toy {I9563}
Rosalia Fita {I11618} (b. 20 Mar 1875 - d. 7 Jul 1957)
Rosalie Johnson {I11020}
Rosalie Jolley {I10678}
Rosalinda Elaine GOULDING {I5092}
Rosalyn {I13756}
Rosamond HURST {I3275}
Rosamond Wiltshire {I11685}
Rosanah MATTHEWS {I11860} (b. ABT 1736 - d. LVG IN 1828)
Rosannah Kelsey {I7933}
Roscoe BLACK {I8211}
Roscoe I Collord {I3060} (b. <1886>)
Rose {I8278}
Rose Bartholomew {I13975}
Rose BLACK {I1320} (b. 30 May 1918 - d. 20 Dec 1994)
Rose CATT {I13009} (b. 1737)
Rose DAVIS {I12622} (b. 1559 - d. Jun 1596)
Rose Jolley {I10775}
Rose Kiersted {I10981}
Rose Norman {I5793}
Rose Palmer {I3680}
Rose Ancestress Of Mill Riv. Hollow TOWNSEND {I12289} (b. ABT 1640)
Rose Ann Thobe {I8551}
Rose Anna Bailey {I495}
Rose L. Sweat {I10777}
Rose Lynette BLUTH {I3577}
Rose Magdeline Jolley {I10978} (b. 1890 - d. 1902)
Rose Marie CLUFF {I2718}
Rose Marie Opalach {I13417}
Rose Opal Ahlstrom {I10565} (b. 1902 - d. 1905)
Roseanna Or Rosanna Jenkerson {I10466} (b. ABT 1815)
Roseannah Stolworthy {I10433} (b. 24 Dec 1862 - d. 12 Dec 1943)
Roseanne SCOTT {I2483}
Rosella Riley {I8162}
Rosella Elvira Bosen {I11014} (b. 1895)
Rosella May Williamson {I2147}
Rosemarr BURTENSHAW {I3279}
Rosemary Bargar {I11277}
Rosemary Weber {I10156}
Rosene Mariah Woodfield {I6120}
Rosett Gifford {I8147}
Rosetta Larew {I13330} (b. 29 Jan 1869 - d. 13 Jan 1950)
Rosilla BROOKS {I3193} (b. 6 Feb 1883 - d. 3 Jan 1967)
Rosine Gerber {I13375} (b. 30 Oct 1870 - d. 10 Nov 1951)
Ross Nees {I13214}
Ross Albert FILLERUP {I4311} (b. 9 Aug 1912 - d. 27 Mar 1950)
Ross Blaine ALVORD {I2379}
Ross Hamilton McCune {I6096}
Rowena {I13105}
Rowena ALLAN {I433} (b. 27 Apr 1909 - d. 11 Nov 1989)
Rowena Jane Winters {I435}
Rowland BLACK {I644}
Roxanna King {I8473}
Roxanne CARROLL {I5402}
Roxenia Larew {I13235} (b. 26 Dec 1878 - d. 10 Oct 1956)
Roxie BLACK {I1314}
Roxie RICHMOND {I6211}
Roxie Gertrude PORTER {I3331} (b. 2 Oct 1901 - d. 17 Sep 1980)
Roxie Marie GUYMON {I4044} (b. 23 Aug 1896 - d. 6 Oct 1896)
Roy Boyd {I9473}
Roy COOPER {I2361} (b. <1881>)
Roy Daub {I9923}
Roy Dodd {I9537} (b. Sep 1898 - d. 28 Oct 1901)
Roy Fleischman {I3054}
Roy Nash {I6367} (b. 8/4/19__)
Roy Powell {I13695} (b. 24 May 1886 - d. Mar 1969)
Roy Sanders {I9391}
Roy Alexis SMITH {I2132}
Roy Alvin BLACK {I450} (b. 2 Sep 1908 - d. 22 Aug 1916)
Roy Ashby BARRETT {I3261}
Roy Clive JOHNSON {I231} (b. 4 Jan 1932 - d. 23 Dec 1988)
Roy Dean JOHNSON {I2795}
Roy E. Wells {I6275}
Roy Edward BLACK {I5183}
Roy Herman Nees {I13294}
Roy L. Richens {I9784}
Roy Loren HARDY {I3091}
Roy Lynn Black {I5185}
Roy Perkins CARROLL {I7213}
Roy Raymond GIBSON {I11063} (b. 16 Dec 1890 - d. 15 Jan 1955)
Roy Raymond Gibson {I11060}
Roy Washington (Northern) JOHNSON {I222} (b. 6 Jul 1899 - d. 17 Sep 1933)
Royce Damien Cano {I13744}
Royce Francis Kimball {I13127} (b. 1912 - d. 15 Jun 1975)
Royce Marion COX {I896} (b. 16 Apr 1951 - d. 16 Apr 1951)
Roylance Hardy {I1024}
Rozella Glenn {I7286}
Ruben Jesse Edwards {I9978} (b. 22 Nov 1882)
Ruby {I11250}
Ruby Garber {I3220}
Ruby Langford {I8860}
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