Winkel FamilyIndex for surnames beginning with c (Pedigree Pages)
[CUNNINGHAM, Amanda ] - [CURTIS, Sarah (Mrs) ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Cadwallader, Brooke Marie ] - [CARTER, Jessica May ]
[CARTER, Jill ] - [CHRISTENSEN, Rasmus ]
[Christensen, Ray ] - [CONWAY, Cecil Marr ]
[CONWAY, Clyda ] - [Cummins, Lucy ]
[CUNNINGHAM, Amanda ] - [CURTIS, Sarah (Mrs) ]
CUNNINGHAM, Amanda {I14374}
CUNNINGHAM, Bruce Alan {I14372}
CUNNINGHAM, Nicole {I14375}
CURTIS, April Jane {I5238}
CURTIS, Charles Joy {I5241}
CURTIS, Craig Alan {I5240}
CURTIS, Eugene {I9002}
CURTIS, Jimmy Ray {I5234}
CURTIS, Joy {I5231}
CURTIS, Mary Phyrl {I679} (b. 18 Jan 1924 - d. 26 Sep 1991)
CURTIS, Pearl {I5232}
CURTIS, Ruel {I7839}
CURTIS, Sarah (Mrs) {I12418} (b. 16 Jul 1650 - d. 1722)
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