Genealogy Data Page 311 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Colemere, LaDawn {I7195} (b. , d. ?)
Given Name: LaDawn
CARROLL, Leslie {I7200} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Leslie
CARROLL, Joseph Heber {I7201} (b. 6 Sep 1943, d. 2 Dec 1951)Given Name: Joseph Heber
Death: 2 Dec 1951
Change: Date: 18 May 2002
Time: 00:00:00
CARROLL, Martha Elizabeth {I7202} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Martha Elizabeth
HARVEY, Charley Ronald {I7204} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Charley Ronald
Johnson, Nellie {I7205} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Nellie
WATKINS, Karl Patrick {I7208} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Karl Patrick
WATKINS, Aurelia {I7209} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Aurelia
WATKINS, Norma {I7210} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Norma
Perkins, Alvord Lee {I7211} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Alvord Lee
Morgan, Esther Pearl {I7212} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Esther Pearl
CARROLL, Roy Perkins {I7213} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Roy Perkins
CARROLL, Martha Pearl {I7214} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Martha Pearl
CARROLL, Heber Lee {I7215} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Heber Lee
CARROLL, Klair Perkins {I7216} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Klair Perkins
GROW, Elaine {I7219} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Elaine
GROW, Earl Vincent {I7220} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Earl Vincent
Barnard, Ralph {I7221} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Ralph
Barnard, Chris {I7222} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Chris
BLACK, Audrey Jeanne {I7225} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Audrey Jeanne
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