Genealogy Data Page 562 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Polish, Benjamin Jawn {I14194} (b. , d. ?)
Given Name: Benjamin Jawn
Polish, Sarah Elizabeth {I14195} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Sarah Elizabeth
Polish, Sasha Jovan {I14196} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Sasha Jovan
Altman, Clinton Leroy {I14197} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Clinton Leroy
Altman, Kate Jovan {I14198} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Kate Jovan
Altman, Stetson Leroy {I14199} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Stetson Leroy
Altman, Quade Jeffery {I14200} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Quade Jeffery
Polish, Jym Jefferson {I14201} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Jym Jefferson
Polish, Andrew Kyler {I14202} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Andrew Kyler
Polish, Kreg Stanton {I14203} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Kreg Stanton
Polish, Brock Morgan {I14204} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Brock Morgan
Polish, Marisha Paige {I14205} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Marisha Paige
Maes, Pete F. {I14206} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Pete F.
Maes, Carlos Leon {I14207} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Carlos Leon
Bailiff, Kristi Kay {I14208} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Kristi Kay
Manzaree Clayton, Jesse Lee {I14209} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Jesse Lee
Maes, Holly Katherine {I14210} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Holly Katherine
Christiansen, Tristin Alexander {I14211} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Tristin Alexander
Maes, Bryce Donovan {I14212} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Bryce Donovan
Schofield, Spencer {I14213} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Spencer
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