Genealogy Data Page 575 (Notes Pages)
Marriage of Johnson, Mark Gale {I7390} (b. , d. ?) and Owen, Evalyn Delane {I7391} (b. , d. ?)
Divorce: Y
Marriage of Sorenson, James Fredrick {I7494} (b. , d. ?) and GALE, Lenna Ruth {I7493} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Keiper, Alvin {I7503} (b. , d. ?) and GALE, Lenna Ruth {I7493} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Divino, John {I7815} (b. , d. ?) and BLACK, Vina {I7814} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Boyd, Frank Edward {I7886} (b. , d. ?) and BLACK, Alma June {I7885} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Evans, Clark Lynn {I8271} (b. , d. ?) and Anderson, Roma Lee {I8270} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of BLACK, Raymond Merle {I8408} (b. , d. ?) and Whicker, Glora Dawn {I8409} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Cole, Dick {I8896} (b. , d. ?) and Brumet, Georgenne {I8895} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of NORTON, Melvin Clyde {I9013} (b. , d. ?) and Kneeshaw, Alleine {I9014} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Smith, George {I9143} (b. , d. ?) and Biorn Black, Dorothy {I9140} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Walters, Kenneth {I9397} (b. , d. ?) and Short, Zelma {I9396} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Holman, Mark Gauger {I9416} (b. 28 Apr 1910, d. 31 Dec 1952) and Daudy, Wilma {I9417} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Shelton, Carl {I9485} (b. , d. ?) and BLACK, Dorothy Alverda {I9484} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Mortimore, Jess {I9652} (b. , d. ?) and Pitts, Essie Eliza {I9651} (b. 2 Jul 1891, d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Richens, Fred Roy {I9781} (b. , d. ?) and Van Vleet, Barbara {I9780} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Davis, Thomas Emmet Richard {I10042} (b. 16 Sep 1882, d. ?) and Hite, May Cathern {I10041} (b. 8 Aug 1893, d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Hennessy, Francis Xavier {I10062} (b. 25 Sep 1890, d. ?) and Hite, May Cathern {I10041} (b. 8 Aug 1893, d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Richards, Guy {I13095} (b. , d. ?) and MUMFORD, Jeanne Gay {I13176} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Gibson, Roy Raymond {I11060} (b. , d. ?) and Trout, Claudia {I11115} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
Marriage of Gibson, Robert Lawrence {I11061} (b. , d. ?) and Forbes, Margaret Louise {I11136} (b. , d. ?)Divorce: Y
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