Genealogy Data Page 41 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Black, Gerald Dean {I961} (b. , d. ?)
Given Name: Gerald Dean
, <Living> {I962} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
Bunn, John E. {I963} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: John E.
BLACK, Leora Grace {I964} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Leora Grace
BAMMES, John Alden (Walter) {I965} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: John Alden (Walter)
BAMMES, Bruce Edward {I966} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Bruce Edward
STEWART, Ruth Edwina {I967} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Ruth Edwina
BAMMES, Joann {I968} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Joann
, <Living> {I969} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
BAMMES, Daniel Lee {I970} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Daniel Lee
, <Living> {I971} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
BAMMES, Camille {I972} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Camille
BLACK, Nellie Rebecca {I976} (b. 15 May 1910, d. 25 Apr 1968)Given Name: Nellie Rebecca
Death: 25 Apr 1968
Change: Date: 23 May 2002
Time: 00:00:00
Covington, Oserel Bowers {I977} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Oserel Bowers
BLACK, Mamie {I978} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Mamie
SEVY, Ward Clinton {I979} (b. 13 May 1903, d. 1973)Given Name: Ward Clinton
Death: 1973
Change: Date: 9 Apr 2002
Time: 00:00:00
BLACK, George Edwin {I980} (b. 26 Jun 1913, d. Apr 1976)Given Name: George Edwin
Death: Apr 1976
Change: Date: 23 May 2002
Time: 00:00:00
LEMMON, Emeline {I981} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Emeline
BLACK, Allen Clarence {I982} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Allen Clarence
HARDY, Genevieve {I983} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Genevieve
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