Genealogy Data Page 177 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
, <Living> {I4151} (b. , d. ?)
Given Name:
MANGUM, Ricky Byron {I4152} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Ricky Byron
, <Living> {I4153} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
GUYMON, Karla Rae {I4154} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Karla Rae
HELQUIST, Kirk Francis {I4155} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Kirk Francis
, <Living> {I4156} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
GUYMON, Randy Louven {I4157} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Randy Louven
, <Living> {I4158} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
GUYMON, Betty Lee {I4160} (b. 14 Apr 1925, d. 15 Feb 1936)Given Name: Betty Lee
Death: 15 Feb 1936
Change: Date: 2 Jun 2002
Time: 00:00:00
GUYMON, William Rollo {I4162} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: William Rollo
RIDING, Nelda Mae {I4163} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Nelda Mae
GUYMON, Colleen {I4164} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Colleen
Aarnow, Maurice {I4165} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Maurice
GUYMON, William Rollo {I4166} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: William Rollo
, Joann {I4167} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Joann
Guymon, Linda Marie {I4168} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Linda Marie
, <Living> {I4169} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
, <Living> {I4170} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
Guymon, Nelda Rae {I4171} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Nelda Rae
, <Living> {I4172} (b. , d. ?)Given Name:
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