Genealogy Data Page 246 (Notes Pages)
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
Hacking, Thomas William {I5703} (b. , d. ?)
Given Name: Thomas William
Hacking, Anna Marie {I5704} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Anna Marie
Hacking, James LaVerl {I5705} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: James LaVerl
Hurst, Maggie {I5706} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Maggie
YOUNG, Nada Kay {I5707} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Nada Kay
YOUNG, Neta {I5708} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Neta
YOUNG, Rebecca {I5709} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Rebecca
YOUNG, Katherine {I5710} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Katherine
YOUNG, Helen {I5711} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Helen
Redshaw, Myrtle {I5712} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Myrtle
YOUNG, Hallie Gene {I5713} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Hallie Gene
YOUNG, Lesley Ann {I5714} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Lesley Ann
YOUNG, Francis {I5715} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Francis
YOUNG, Betty Jo {I5716} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Betty Jo
Louze, Emile Leon {I5717} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Emile Leon
Decamp, Berthe Marie {I5718} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Berthe Marie
YOUNG, Dominique {I5719} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Dominique
YOUNG, William Richard {I5720} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: William Richard
HURST, Dorothy May {I5722} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Dorothy May
HURST, Bruce Parley {I5723} (b. , d. ?)Given Name: Bruce Parley
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