Index for surnames beginning with a (Descendancy Pages)
[Arends, Hoendrik ] - [Augustinus, Grietje ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Aartsen, Corneles ] - [Arends, Herman ]
[Arends, Jan ] - [Augustinus, Grietje ]
Arends, Jan {I963} (b. 17 Jul 1897 - d. 1 Jul 1937)
Arends, Jantien {I19} (b. ABT 1690)
Arends, Jantje {I979} (b. 4 Jan 1911)
Arends, Johanna {I966} (b. 16 Feb 1906)
Arends, Kathrina Matilda {I978} (b. 30 Jul 1909)
Arends, Margjen {I26} (b. ABT 1689)
Arends, Neeltje {I486} (b. ABT 1654)
Arends, Piet {I171} (b. ABT 1865 - d. 6 Nov 1918)
Arink, Johanna {I2499} (b. 1 Aug 1889)
ARRISON, Edwin Edward {I6835} (b. 28 Apr 1840)
Augustinus, Grietje {I3383}
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