(Friday December 26th)
I probably made 200 cookies this last week, we took them to less actives and investigators with a joy to the world DVD!
We had our ward Christmas party Saturday! It was amazing we had 63 people there! About a billion less actives and only 5 nonmembers, but then at church the next morning we only had 16 people show up. It was quite a downer, the counselor who was conducting just got up and said “looks like everyone was too hungover from last night…” haha that was pretty funny, but yeah we have A LOT of less actives that just never show up…
There really is no place like home for the holidays! We listened to American Christmas music on Friday at one of our 7 hour eating appointments. Music really does make it feel like Christmas!
Christmas Eve we helped M***** move! He’s the guy that had his records removed from the church and is coming back. We’ve finished all the review lessons and now he just needs to meet with someone before he can be baptized again! So we helped him move from his mom’s house. She seemed like a super nice lady who looked and sounded just like Russell Anderson’s mom! But it turns out she’s bi polar and an atheist. So when we first met her she loved to talk to us and made us tons of cookies, but then the next day we dropped by and she wouldn’t even come say hello. M***** was really glad to be moving.
For the 25th and 26th of Christmas we went to family Meckas and family Schwabs. They basically kidnapped us at noon and wouldn’t drive us home till night, so we couldn’t get much work done. The other problem is NO ONE is outside and we can’t go door to door for this whole week so we’re either trapped at a member’s house, or organizing the area book. But being at a member’s house is super fun, we eat tons of food and play games but you start to feel like a worthless missionary after a while. So we’re going to go by some less actives with some more cookies and stuff like that!
We committed a lady to baptism! She’s from Ghana and her husband lives about 3 hours away because that was the only place he could find work. He’s a member but we’re not sure how active he is. We’ve never seen him and he only visits like once a month. After the first lesson the spirit kept telling me to ask her if she would be baptized so I finally did at the end and she said yes! The spirit was way strong!
(Monday 12/29)
I gave a talk in church about prayer, it went okay! German was a little rough in parts but I got my points across. We generally have about 25-35 in attendance. Saturday we did doors in the freezing cold all day. Sunday afternoon we went to an eating appointment, then to a 98 year old member’s birthday party and brought a new ward member that moved in so he could get to know people better!