
This week we were in C&A checking out suits (on p-day) when this guy said “hi” to us, then kind of waited by us. He then came up and asked where our church was, so we told him and turns out he’s a member. He was baptized in Werdau a couple years ago in the area next to us. But he just moved to Zwickau and hasn’t been to church in a while, and I guess the spirit had him come ask us. He was originally from Iraq but has been in Germany for 13 years. He got shot a bunch in Iraq and his dad and brother were killed by Saddam Hussein. So he came to conference! Super cool.

Today we are going to Braunschweig until Wednesday, for Elder Brimhall’s removal of metal, so we get to stay with the elders there; it will be fun!

General Conference was super! We watched the Saturday morning on Saturday night, then priesthood session and Sunday morning last night, we will watch the others next week during church.

So much to learn during conference, it’s a wonderful time to listen to a living prophets and apostle. It was a wonderful Easter weekend, we went by a bunch of former investigators and most wanted nothing to do with us, but we made out some return appointment with 3 other people for next week! The question “is there a baptism in your area book?”…. It’s a great question … so we’re going to find out!

Our ward mission leader Bro. Brokatzsky took us to the driving range for p-day! Super sweet, it snowed so hard but it was a blast.

Audi was founded in Zwickau so we went to the museum!

After conference we made shakes just like home! And the next morning I made muffins.

I like sending Postcards! Send me your address if you want one!

Elder Winkel



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