Part III

A nice week. A highlight of the week was a Part III exchange with my friend Elder Barrios (from my first district). We hit the streets and did some street contacting. In the evening we decided to go by an old contact, and to our surprise they let us in! It was an amazing time to teach the Restoration again. It’s been a while but I’m always grateful for the opportunity. The message of the Restoration is a special one.

This week I studied the time that the Prophet Joseph had in Liberty Jail. Looking at the experience that the prophet had, I think of my own self, my own “prison-temple” experiences, my time in “the refiners fire”. Where the trials that I’ve had, they have only been there to strengthen and help me. We can learn the most of these moments if we Endure, and do as the Prophet did. Have faith. If we do those things we will be become our greatest selves, and become what the Lord wants us to become.

“Therefore … let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed” D&C 123:17


Elder Winkel

If you stick your head out of a really fast train…


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