Allstar Weekend

A couple highlights from this week – we found a guy in the area book, went by and he talked to us about how he read the Book of Mormon and how he thought it was good, and how humans are just slaves to aliens and that’s where the pyramids come from. Yeah, it took a quick 180°… but we made another appointment out with him not knowing what to expect. Turns out he’s a pretty interesting guy, he bounces a lot from topic to topic. I think he’s read everything that has come in his path. He believes very strongly that the Catholic Church isn’t true. He made it clear quite a few times… “Ja und der Krezzug…”(the crusades… luckily I learned the vocabulary thanks to Indiana Jones) well we figured out that we could throw the topic around and he wouldn’t notice either, “yeah the Holy Grail, if the Book of Mormon is true that means Christ visited the Americas…” We have another appointment, not really sure how much interest he has but we will see.

We visited a really cool member family this week, the wife cooked us some dang good lamb, and the husband invited us next week to go with him into the woods to chop trees, so it should be a good week. This week I thought a lot about personal progression, and what I found is that it really is amazing that we can progress and improve, seeing our progression is only half of our struggle, I believe those around can often see it better than we can. When we look to compliment others and move forward in faith, we can all come closer to reaching our goal of eternal life. Together.

Elder Winkel

Our area gets split by what use to be East and West.
Also a member tried to kiss me this week, luckily she was only 7…
We drove to Kiel on Tuesday for a zone conference.


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