Blades of Glory

Currently we are in Magdeburg waiting for Elder Casperson’s
new companion who will arrive tomorrow, Elder Brimhall! We sent off
Elder Barrios home today and so to mourn we went ice-skating! It was a
blast! We couldn’t get ourselves off the ice for a couple hours and I
could say we’d probably win gold in the Olympics by now!

So this week we were able to meet with the Russian lady. She met us at
the church and she was super cool and had a lot of questions, we
taught her the first lesson and it was a really great experience to

Wednesday we were invited over for lunch by an older couple in the
branch and they fed us just as much potato salad as they always
do… too much. And this time they thought they hadn’t given us
enough last time so they decided to make extra. Well to say the least I
probably won’t be eating very many potatoes when I get home…

Saturday morning Bruder Schütze and his wife invited us over for our
Thanksgiving dinner! Every year they invite the missionaries over
and make them the biggest most American meal they know how and all I
can say was it was pretty great, they did quite the job.

Saturday evening we went to Köthen and had an activity with the young
men there. We played soccer, made pizza burgers, and then we finished
off the night with “Meet the Mormons”. It was really cool and there were
a lot of young men there. Even one of the boys brought
homemade firecrackers… So that made it interesting.

On my mission I’ve really learned to be thankful to be busy. Hopefully
this week we can keep it that way! Also I know if we trust in
the Lord we have no reason to worry. That has helped me a lot on my
mission to not to be so stressed about the hard times because I know the
Lord will provide away.

Continue in Crescendo

-Elder Winkel


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