Disciples in the Digital Age

Well first off we got a referral last week, he’s a refugee from Afghanistan, he’s actually the son of an ambassador there but people wanted to kidnap him so he came here! He’s Islamic and has really good English, he mostly wants friends and people to talk to so I guess we work. But we talked about God with him for about an hour so it was really cool.

Berlin! Well because of the train system strikes in Germany I got to buy another ticket there… so we took a 5 hour bus ride instead of a 3 hour ICE (Inter-City-Express) train ride… but it was okay because we got to hang out with our zone leaders, then we went and got Burger King. Then the office Elders came and picked us up and took us to their apartment, really cool and really big. Then another 6 elders got in late and had to crash with us too.

The next morning a bunch of old couple missionaries came and took us to the church, and I got to see everyone, super sweet.

The meeting was titled “Disciples in the Digital Age” and we’re supposed to get iPad’s in a week or so and we’ll be on facebook. But it was also the last time the entire mission would be together with President Kosak. It was really cool to see and talk to him again. He told us with all the internet and such that we will be using he has our complete trust, and the area seventy that was there added “President Kosak also told me he knows 16 ways to kill a man”. Then President from his seat nodded his head shot us with a pretend gun and blew the smoke from the barrel, all with a smile. I died laughing, really though, I died.  I have so much love/fear of President Kosak, he makes us want to be obedient, which is really important to a mission.

We also had Stake Conference on Saturday and President was also at that, he told the members to trust us with an analogy “when a bird builds a nest, it doesn’t rely on the branch, it relies on its wings” so hopefully more members will start trusting us. The members where I’m from all love him because he grew up in their Stake. Stake Conference was really cool too, because the Stake is so big they held it in a theater in Leipzig.

At the end of our meeting President Kosak said to not forget that we are children of God, I am a son/daughter of God, we’ve heard it all our lives, but do we really realize how important and big that really is? He told us to “remember to know that you know.” I know that what he said is true, we can always remember and rejoice because no matter what happens in the end, in the beginning we are children of God.

Lead kindly Light

Elder Winkel


A Kiss from Jesus

Braunschweig was cool! We went back to Primark and I bought a suit for 38 euros, and about 7 ties for 2 euros each, and Elder Brimhall’s arm is super, not broken anymore!

We went back and visited Herr S. He was drunk again, we tried to teach the Word of Wisdom but he thinks drinking is healthy for you… While we were there a nurse came and gave him a shot for his diabetes, then he told us he was Jesus and showed us his hands (nothing there) so we decided to leave and come back when he’s sober. When we were walking out he kissed Elder Brimhall on the cheek, not a European kiss thing but a giant smooch, I started to laugh and started back toward the door, but then Herr S told me I was next, I tried to explain that we were in a hurry but it was to no avail… I got one too.  Elder Brimhall laughed pretty hard…   But ja, we’ll keep working on him.

I taught a lesson in District Meeting about Humility. If we are humble the Lord will make our weakness our strengths to help us reach our full potential. Ether 12:27

It reminded me of “The Last Crusade” when Dr. Jones has to go through a trial of test to reach the Holy Grail. First Only the Penitent man will pass, second he kneels before the Lord in Humility, and third takes a leap of faith and trusts in the Lord. In the end he reaches the Grail and which cup is it? The humble cup of the carpenter. The Savior was our perfect example of Humility, he is one of the most popular individuals in all of history but he directs all the glory to our Father in Heaven.

I hope this week we can look to be a little better, a little more humble.

“We are all in it together, all of us, and we have a great work to do. Every teacher can be a better teacher than he or she is today. Every officer can be a better officer than he or she is today. Every father can be a better father, every mother can be a better mother, every husband can be a better husband, every wife a better wife, every child a better child. We are on the road that leads to immortality and eternal life and today is a part of it. Let us never forget it” – Gordon B. Hinkley

Thanks for the Easter package!

IMMER mit liebe

Elder Winkel


40 Mark Strasse

This week we were in Braunschweig until Wednesday, Elder Brimhall’s surgery went super, and he got to keep the metal rod! Then Sister Kosak had us spend another day in the apartment in Braunschweig, while Elder B was asleep I studied and played with a soccer ball because the apartment there is huge! The next day we had a few hours before his checkup so we went to Primark! It’s like Macys but everything’s super cheap. I bought two ties for 5 euro! And then went to his checkup, then on the 5 hour train ride home some drunk couple was yelling at each other (in German so it was pretty intense) for like an hour…  It was a long ride.

We got to teach one of our old guys this week, really though he’s super old, he lives alone and his wife died about 5 years ago. He’s pretty open but I think it’s because he has nothing else to do, but we taught him the plan of salvation and he agreed and liked most of it, but he’s still not sure about the Book of Mormon, so he said he would keep reading and praying.

Our other old guy (that waved us down from the window) actually looks about 90 but it turns out he’s only 55. He has diabetes and smokes and drinks a ton. The man has crates and crates of alcohol in the room. He said his doctor said if he quits drinking he will die… so he needs quite a bit of help. Two of the three times we were there he was drinking, so it will be hard but we have faith in him! On Friday we went street contacting but there was no one anywhere… after about 30 minutes we noticed someone behind us and it was one of our less actives with his girlfriend! He was on his way to go buy a ring because I guess he’s now engaged. Way cool.

Then we decided to walk by the huge church in the city and some old couple came and asked if the church was open, we told them we didn’t know because it wasn’t our church. Then they asked where we were from and it turns out they were in California and the Grand Canyon last year. Then the lady talked about those weird and crazy Mormons that crossed the plains, then she asked what church we were from. “Wir sind die mormone”. She was a little shocked and tried to recover by saying they were “the nicest people she’s ever met”… haha but they were nice and it gave us a chance to explain who we are.

Also we found out more info about Mission Conference on the 24th in Berlin! Because the whole mission will be there they’re assigning where missionaries outside of Berlin will be spending the night, so Elder B and I will be staying with the AP’s, our Zone Leaders, and the office Elder in the Mission home. It’ll be way cool.

For church yesterday we watched the Conference Sunday afternoon session, but I could not stay awake because it was in German… I can understand quite a bit but in the background you can kind of hear English, then mix that with what I can’t understand, then my head dies… But it was funny when Uchtdorf spoke in German… the ward died laughing!

This week we go to Braunschweig one more time for one last checkup. That also means 9 hours of being on a train that day, but it will be good.

This week I studied about humility. Ether 12:27 talks about if we humble ourselves the Lord will make our weakness our strengths. Our weaknesses are what keep us from reaching our full potential, but when we humble ourselves and ask the Lord to help us He WILL help us reach our potential. Our Savior Lives! Easter is over but the time to celebrate that He Lives isn’t, we can always become closer to our Savior.

mit liebe

Elder Winkel


We watched the stars all night.

Braunschweig Elders!

Huge apartment! Even had a first floor.

With festival poster.

My first shot at cinnamon rolls.





This week we were in C&A checking out suits (on p-day) when this guy said “hi” to us, then kind of waited by us. He then came up and asked where our church was, so we told him and turns out he’s a member. He was baptized in Werdau a couple years ago in the area next to us. But he just moved to Zwickau and hasn’t been to church in a while, and I guess the spirit had him come ask us. He was originally from Iraq but has been in Germany for 13 years. He got shot a bunch in Iraq and his dad and brother were killed by Saddam Hussein. So he came to conference! Super cool.

Today we are going to Braunschweig until Wednesday, for Elder Brimhall’s removal of metal, so we get to stay with the elders there; it will be fun!

General Conference was super! We watched the Saturday morning on Saturday night, then priesthood session and Sunday morning last night, we will watch the others next week during church.

So much to learn during conference, it’s a wonderful time to listen to a living prophets and apostle. It was a wonderful Easter weekend, we went by a bunch of former investigators and most wanted nothing to do with us, but we made out some return appointment with 3 other people for next week! The question “is there a baptism in your area book?”…. It’s a great question … so we’re going to find out!

Our ward mission leader Bro. Brokatzsky took us to the driving range for p-day! Super sweet, it snowed so hard but it was a blast.

Audi was founded in Zwickau so we went to the museum!

After conference we made shakes just like home! And the next morning I made muffins.

I like sending Postcards! Send me your address if you want one!

Elder Winkel



Because He Lives

Special week this week, we found another new investigator! And I also learned something about love.

We had about an hour where we were in a weird part of town with no map… so I decided to just wander and see if we could find a contact that we had been to before. After wandering a little while Elder Brimhall turned his head and saw a man waving at us through his window to come in, little weird because that never happens. But we went and he let us in. The man looks exactly like the old man in “Meet the Robinsons” no teeth or anything. We just talked to him, he lives alone and I think he’s been alone for a while but he asked us if we could just come visit him every week and also on his birthday:) We told him we would and got his info. Elder Brimhall and I learned a lot. The Lord really does love this man, I don’t think we understood the impact of just talking to him, and what that did for him. I also learned something from him, he was nice and friendly to us even though we are missionaries (sounds weird but true).

We didn’t realize it at the time but it was the Spirit that was guiding us to him. The Lord knew that he needed a friend, someone to talk to, and he guided us to him. The Lord is aware and loves all his children.

On Saturday after street contacting for a long time, the best conversation we had was with a drunk atheist that had just gotten out of jail, he was nice and pleasant, ANYONE can be a friend.

On Thursday we went to Braunschweig! We had a mission conference through the phone and listened to President Kosak talk about “Because He Lives”. It was a little hard because we were on a train but still great. Braunschweig is a giant city! It was nice to see and hear so many people that speak the German I learned!  Elder Brimhall is getting the rod removed from his arm next week, so on Monday night we will have to spend the night with the Braunschweig elders because the operation is early the next morning.

Wednesday we will be in Chemnitz for Zone Training Meeting so that will be fun. And for P-day today our ward mission leader is taking us to the golfing range!

Because He lives, WE have an example, and a friend. I hope that this week we all can look to reach out and just be a friend at the store or on the streets. We can be a friend anywhere.

Mit liebe

Elder Winkel

Dad asked about the language – German is okay, I would not say fluent but I get by well (with the Spirit).



We found an investigator! He’s a way old dude but we taught him the first lesson and he told us to come back! We honestly weren’t too excited afterward, so l asked “why are we not excited?” Elder Brimhall said “I think it’s because we’re too scared of God humbling us again….” haha I think he’s right. It’s been a long 4 weeks but I’ve learned a lot about patience! The Lord really does work in his own time!

We’re having tons of fun every day! I’ve been studying about Christlike attributes and patience is one I know I can always improve on!

We talked to an Indian guy this week, he brought us into his friend’s cell phone store. A bunch of super Muslim guys sat down with us and they were way cool until the weird questions started coming… They started asking about our papers here, if we can get on US military bases with our passport, then they asked to see our passports because “we’ve never seen one before”. Then we found out a couple we’re from Pakistan, the questions turned into ISIS stuff so we decided to get up and leave… weird stuff.

We’re going to Braunschweig this week, my comps getting his arm checked out cause he broke it last year, so a day back in the WEST! Can’t wait!

We went on austausch (exchanges) this week! I went to Plauen for the day with Elder Headly! He’s been on his mission for 4 weeks so that was interesting! He’s 23 and joined the church last year. He’s from Canada! We took a short cut on a map and walked through a forest! We found a lake and doored a dorf (village) – fun day!

I couldn’t spell “shoe” in English class… so I think that means my German’s getting better! Zwickau is way cool, I love the ward!

Elder Winkel



This week was funny! And super hard, but good. We tried to meet with this contact who is an anti-Christ, and pretty much worships the devil, but even he last moment canceled on us.

This week we decided to put all the Uchtdorf myths about Zwickau to rest, so we asked a member and they had a picture book from Deseret Book that talks about his conversion! The book is called “Sister Eternal” (schwester ewig) and the paintings in the book were based off the real places in Zwickau! Super Cool, then we went through the records of where church was held in Zwickau and the church that Uchtdorf went to with his family for the first time was 3 doors up from our apartment! He was baptized because a lady decided to invite his family to church! Member work is important. EVERY MEMBER A MISSIONARY

We got yelled at a lot this week but that’s pretty normal for us. We also had a lot of good moments in the streets with no new investigators yet, but they will come!

We made french toast with a loaf and a half worth of bread, wayyy good.

Because of the hard moments this week I decided to make a list of things I’m grateful for, the list ranged from Family and Friends to Star Wars and Basketball. It helped me realize how many things have brought me joy in life, and how grateful I am for them.

This week was cold but I heard this week is supposed to be warmer. Last week we had a couple nice days!

No matter how many people yell at us, the gospel is still true! All the people that are yelling have had hard lives and don’t really know what happiness is. It’s our job to help them to find it!

Mit liebe

Elder Winkel



Zwickau is super cool!

Zwickau is super cool! Ghetto but cool! Detroit is 2 times nicer than Zwickau…

Well I*** showed up at English class again… super drunk and he tried getting in a fight with the bishop because he didn’t speak Persian… so that was fun.

Also we managed to get all 0’s on our numbers this week. It was 7 o’clock on Sunday night and we had all 0’s for the week. So we prayed and tried our hardest just to get a number (numbers aren’t what’s important but still). So we called a recent convert that has never answered and he did! We taught him about the priesthood and walked around a park for a couple hours. The Lord will always answer prayers, and sometimes it’s right when you need it!

This week was pretty hard, we got schussed by 1 investigator and our other is supposed to wake up from emergency heart surgery later this week…. quite a ride here!

We talked to a drunk guy he told us he’s half Mormon and his drunk friend in the back said, “I’m, I’m a Catholic” so we told him its okay if he’s not Mormon, and the drunk guy said “Mormons are better than Catholic” with a dead stare at him, then his drunk friend was just speechless, it was pretty funny in the moment.

The work is great! Slow, but great and true.

I’m having tons of fun working with Elder Brimhall! We have fun pretty much all day!

mit liebe

Elder Winkel



Well Zwickau… it’s super ghetto. Really though. I’m about as deep in the old DDR as you can get, my area borders Czech, and the Frankfurt Mission.

My first night in Zwickau we went and played soccer with orphans, which I guess we do every 2 weeks! I accidently kicked an orphan in the head… really hard with the ball. He was playing goalie… but he was alright…. And I promise I don’t hate all the orphans in the whole world…haha.

On Thursday we street contacted a bunch and randomly ran into this guy from Iran, he invited us to his house, it was really weird. When we got into his house he had tons of every Mormon book and pamphlet. Then he showed us a photo album he had with him and the Elders from like 3 years ago, and him at the church and stuff. His English was really bad and so was his German so it was hard to communicate. He then asked us if we could help him with his mold problem.  He took us to his back room and it was just straight mold. The entire room was molded over… I thought we were going to die! We decided we would go check him out in the area book, so we gave him our number and got his and left. It turns out he was on a baptismal date but he failed the Muslim test that we have to give people to be baptized. He goes and visits Iran all the time so that kind of counts as a hostile country to Christians. So unless he plans on never going back he can’t be baptized. But we invited him to English class, he showed up and it went pretty well.

On Friday we and the sisters invited our investigators to a game night with foosball and ping pong. A couple guys from Syria showed up and I challenged them to ping pong. And the guy was pretty good, but LET IT BE KNOWN I beat W***** (from Syria) at ping pong. Our church is way cool – the attic is huge so they finished it and have a band room and ping pong tables. The ward has an actual band that jams every Monday to The Rolling Stones and The Beatles.

Saturday we went on some faith to go visit this less active super far away. There was no map for the city but we showed up looking for the street. After walking for 3 hours asking everyone, a lady told us where it was. We got there and she wasn’t home… so we left a note saying we came by. The next day at church our friend in the ward told us that she came to sacrament meeting! Because we’re new we don’t recognize anyone but he said it was the first time he’s seen her at church in years!

A member had us over for dinner on Sunday. He showed us all his old family pictures… his grandpa was a Nazi… then he showed us a picture that his grandfather had taken of an airplane that was shot down by the Nazis. The flag had a small US logo on it, and I whispered to Elder Brimhall “is that one of ours…?” and all he said was “yeah”. Then the member drove us to the huge bridge made of bricks. It was sweet.

Elder Brimhall is way cool, he lived in Hawaii before his mission, and also Arizona, Oklahoma, Oregon, Utah, and South Korea… his dad is in the military. The ward is pretty big.  Around eighty people at church. President Uchtdorf was baptized in this ward too!

This is honestly a terrible place, but the ward is great and it’s the people that I’m here for.

Elder Winkel

Member Photos Brick BridgeGrey Day

The Iron Curtain

The time has come… I’ve been transferred to a city called Zwickau (pronounced ts-vick-ow) where I will be serving with Elder Brimhall! He trained my friend Elder Williams from the MTC and this last transfer he was with Elder Weirsdorf my companion from the MTC. So Tuesday I’ll have a nice 6 hour train ride by myself to Leipzig!

M***** was originally baptized in the US while he was at law school. When he returned to Germany he went inactive and then because of social pressure he had his records removed from the church. This week he was baptized! It was a great experience, he was really excited. He’s changed jobs, who he surrounds himself with, where he lives, and so many other things. I’m glad I was able to be there to help him. He bore his testimony after and shared how God pretty much talked to him and told him he needed to choose the way he knew was true. The spirit I felt was more of a peaceful feeling, it was an amazing experience. Very cool.

We also committed our investigator K**** to be baptized at the end of March! We went and visited him and read from the Book of Mormon with him about why Christ was baptized. It was a little difficult though because a guy came to install a dish in the auslander home and he had to drill through a cinder block wall in the room we were in. I’m excited for how things go with him after I leave.

MZ, he’s been an investigator for about a year now and on my last Sunday he came to church for the first time! He’s a deacon in the Evangelish Kirche, but really likes our church. I believe he will be eventually baptized but it will just take time.

I also got to eat at Sister N******s and she got to try to kill me with her fatty food one last time! Luckily she didn’t succeed.

I’ve learned so much in Minden, it’s where I was trained, and where I began my mission. I’ve met so many people that have changed my life while I’ve been trying to change theirs. I’m excited what is next in store for me! The Savior lives and loves us, and is always looking to help us. Mosiah 4

Elder Winkel


Here is my new address:

Bahnhof STR. 33

08056  Zwickau
