Disciples in the Digital Age

Well first off we got a referral last week, he’s a refugee from Afghanistan, he’s actually the son of an ambassador there but people wanted to kidnap him so he came here! He’s Islamic and has really good English, he mostly wants friends and people to talk to so I guess we work. But we talked about God with him for about an hour so it was really cool.

Berlin! Well because of the train system strikes in Germany I got to buy another ticket there… so we took a 5 hour bus ride instead of a 3 hour ICE (Inter-City-Express) train ride… but it was okay because we got to hang out with our zone leaders, then we went and got Burger King. Then the office Elders came and picked us up and took us to their apartment, really cool and really big. Then another 6 elders got in late and had to crash with us too.

The next morning a bunch of old couple missionaries came and took us to the church, and I got to see everyone, super sweet.

The meeting was titled “Disciples in the Digital Age” and we’re supposed to get iPad’s in a week or so and we’ll be on facebook. But it was also the last time the entire mission would be together with President Kosak. It was really cool to see and talk to him again. He told us with all the internet and such that we will be using he has our complete trust, and the area seventy that was there added “President Kosak also told me he knows 16 ways to kill a man”. Then President from his seat nodded his head shot us with a pretend gun and blew the smoke from the barrel, all with a smile. I died laughing, really though, I died.  I have so much love/fear of President Kosak, he makes us want to be obedient, which is really important to a mission.

We also had Stake Conference on Saturday and President was also at that, he told the members to trust us with an analogy “when a bird builds a nest, it doesn’t rely on the branch, it relies on its wings” so hopefully more members will start trusting us. The members where I’m from all love him because he grew up in their Stake. Stake Conference was really cool too, because the Stake is so big they held it in a theater in Leipzig.

At the end of our meeting President Kosak said to not forget that we are children of God, I am a son/daughter of God, we’ve heard it all our lives, but do we really realize how important and big that really is? He told us to “remember to know that you know.” I know that what he said is true, we can always remember and rejoice because no matter what happens in the end, in the beginning we are children of God.

Lead kindly Light

Elder Winkel


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