
Not a bad week, Tuesday we were in Hamburg for zone training meeting, where we got to teach old and brand new missionaries in two classes 30 minutes a piece about memorizing the good word (scriptures and such) it was good, and I learned a lot as well.

In other news I received my German license, and have the joy of driving a beautiful 2013 Opel corsa… 0-60km in under 15 seconds. One could call it a dream, or other things… Haha

My wish this week is that we all love people a little more. Forgive the sinners! Help the stragglers! If we apply faith in Jesus Christ more to our lives, we can see why it’s more important that we start working on the dandelions in our own yard. The dandelions we see across the street won’t have as much of an effect on us, and we may come to point where we see that every house in the neighborhood has dandelions!

We all have our struggles, and know our short points. Not as often is it needed that others point them out to us or those around us. But the Lord wants to help us along the way.

The refiner’s fire is real, I’ve seen it on my mission as I’ve searched to come closer to Christ.

When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,

My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.

The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design

Thy dross to consume, thy dross to consume,

Thy dross to consume and thy gold to refine.

For P-day today we went into the Forest, and the wandering stick I have came out of retirement. We also tracked a family of wild boars that we saw, which then led to us getting lost for an hour…


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