Hectic Week

Well the hectic week came to a close. But it was a good one. So Thursday we were in Magdeburg for district meeting, then we had to go home and plan for English class, but then we had to go check on our member from Nigeria who was getting ready for ankle surgery, and it turns out that he got stabbed by his roommate the day before in the refugee housing. He was pretty shaken up about it. He got it right in the leg. But he’s a champ, and he’s doing okay now.

After we went and visited him, we ran back to the church and taught our English class. Then to the train station, and caught our train to Berlin, We spent the night in Spandau with my boy Elder Glissmyer. We ended the night with a couple party buckets from KFC.
The next day Elder Perkins went with two other missionaries and went around Berlin while I sat in meetings for about 7 hours… then we caught the train back to Bernburg.

The next day we had to catch another train to Leipzig for Stake Conference, we were a little late and I had to buy our ticket, and Elder Perkins put our bags on… well as I went to open the train door the train left… I had a nice little hour long wait before the next train came, later we met back up in Kothen. haha.
Stake Conference was wonderful, and I got to see all my members and friends from Zwickau!

After the Saturday session, we traveled to Halle where we got permission to spend the night in the old elder’s apartment.
Then back to Leipzig the next morning for the Sunday session! They had a little girl give a talk and it was probably one of the cutest things I’ve seen. Also Elder Dykes was there and gave a great talk about the Sabbath and scripture study. It was also nice to hear a talk in English, and having to be the one translating!

I’m thankful for a busy week!

I have a testimony that it is through those small things that we can make real progress and have joy. I’m grateful for all your prayers and pray for you as well.

Elder Winkel

Reunited with our boy Jared from Zwickau!


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