I Stand All Amazed
Simply put I am nothing but thankful for my mission. It has been such a rewarding experience. I was given a chance to grow in the best way possible, by being stretched.
I have seen the dark, but more importantly I have seen the light. The light that the gospel can bring us. I recently read a talk which mentioned the story of how the song “Lead Kindly Light” came to be. A young preacher from England attempted to make the journey from Italy back to England while being sick. His ship was stuck in thick fog for about a week, without being able to continue its course. In that moment of despair he wrote the words to that song. That song along with many others from the hymn book has helped me to see the light when everything was dark, to see the Savior, and to look to him for hope.
I’m so grateful for the Prophet Joseph Smith, The Book Mormon, it contains a power that is nothing short of God given, it has a power to heal, and it makes it known that we “are not cast off forever.”
I’m thankful for a Heavenly Father who continues to raise my perspective. Higher and higher to the right one, an eternal one.
I love my family, I learned very quickly that I took them for granted, I am ecstatic to be with them again. I have felt so much love while being here, family, friends, leaders. I’m thankful for my Mission Presidents, – I truly was their “most important investigator”.
So much more I could say, but ’til then.
Thank you, thank you.
Elder Winkel
Germany Berlin Mission