This week was a lot of a learning week, yesterday we were in Hamburg for the multi-stake conference broadcast. We spent the night Saturday night, with my boys Adams and German and went out for dinner.
The rest of our week was filled with service and finding. We helped patch holes in a ceiling, we finished clearing out the flooded basement. I guess something funny this week was we were looking for a less active I’ve talked to 7 times and all of our appointments had fallen out… So we went by and I really wanted to knock on his door, not just ring the doorbell to the building. So to get in I just start dooring random people in the building and this dude comes out and tells us to get off the property (keep in mind we are outside in the middle of the city) so I try and explain that we are just looking for our friend, and he wouldn’t have any of it! He just kept telling us to get out. Haha.
I studied a lot about the life of Joseph smith, especially his trials, and he had many. I read in D&C 121-122, and I can’t even imagine how he and those that were with him felt during that time in Liberty jail. When one is so low that they must ask “o God where art thou?” is a time of great need. But God’s reply was
“peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;”
When I have been in moments as such, I can say that I have felt closer to the Lord, with the hope and faith that things will get better. To take the humble road that our Father in Heaven knows and wants what’s best for us.
“know thou, my son, that all these things shall give thee experience, and shall be for thy good.”
Elder Winkel
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