The First Lesson

Not much new this week besides that we TAUGHT THE FIRST LESSON, yeah we’ve taught it before, but this time it was different. We talked to someone on the street, made an appointment, then we went and the person was actually there… and he was pretty normal. It was I think the first time that I’ve taught the first lesson where it was like how I thought being a missionary would be. We met at his friend’s house who is an atheist, we got to know them, they’re both in about their mid 20’s, and then we taught the restoration, ACTUALLY how we practice every day. I don’t know how to explain it… I felt like I was in an episode of the district or something.

He and his friend found it really interesting because we gave it to them straight at the end, we told them that we are just inviting others to try out what we’re sharing, because we believe it brings joy, and that we can receive an answer that it is true… they were shocked… because we didn’t try to force our beliefs on them (not naming any names). But it went well and the atheist even found it interesting.

Last week on Wednesday I went on exchange with Elder Perez in the city of Plauen, we had a lesson fall out then we taught a couple guys from the Middle East. The one guy spoke only Arabic, so we had a Book of Mormon, one in Arabic and one in German side by side, to help him understand… then we worked on teaching him how the alphabet works, baby steps…

Then later the other guy we taught German to speaks pretty good English, and he really wants to learn German, so we taught him German for a while and he taught us Arabic for about 45 minutes! Crazy hard language, but I learned some things.

Things are going better right now, maybe because it is summer right now so people don’t hate us as much… haha, but it’s good, last week we taught 3 lessons! A ton better than the week before when we only had 1, but progress is coming!

On Sunday the ward mission leader let us know that the person who was supposed to give the lesson in church, wasn’t prepared so they threw it to the missionaries! So last minute we planned a lesson on the spot to teach the ward. So we taught the… 1st lesson! (Restoration) we went through every point and asked “Why it is important that investigators understand this concept?” go look up in preach my gospel and ask yourself the same questions! (Chapter 3)

When things get hard “Pray, and then go to work!” – Captain Cronin

Elder Winkel

“Going” to Church

This week was good, stressful but good. We met with S our eternal investigator of 10 years, he’s been making progress, reading in the scriptures and coming to church, we talked about baptism, and he showed me a page in this old evangelist book, talking about how you’re damned if you get baptized twice. (He left the evangelist church) I asked why he was baptized the first time, and it was because his grandma told him he had to. Then he just kept bringing it up so I gave it to him straight with “is THAT the work of God? Or is that? (pointing to the Book of Mormon), that is the question!” I was trying to follow the spirit so hard… hopefully something got to him, he seemed a little unhappy with me after, and then he didn’t show up to church the next day like he said he would so we will see what happens, after thinking about it I gave him the simplest answer I could, so hopefully something happens.

We’ve been going through a GIANT less active list. So far we found 5 people that have moved and 2 people who have died… like their neighbors told us they died we didn’t actually “find” them. We’ve also been able to make some contacts out but when it comes to meeting again, people find it super weird… so we’re working on that, it’s always hard to tell if someone really has interest, then they give us their number, when we contact them later they realize who we are and block our number… but we’ll get it, with the help of the Lord ANYTHING is possible!

This week trying to contact less actives, I’ve thought about church quite a bit and why we want them to come!

I really like what Elder Bednar said in this talk about “going” to church.

“In our customary Church vocabulary, we often speak of “going” to church, “going” to the temple, and “going” on a mission. Let me be so bold as to suggest that our rather routine emphasis on “going” misses the mark.

The issue is not going to church; rather, the issue is worshipping and renewing covenants as we attend church. The issue is not going to or through the temple; rather, the issue is having in our hearts the spirit, the covenants, and the ordinances of the Lord’s house. The issue is not going on a mission; rather, the issue is becoming a missionary and serving throughout our entire life with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength. It is possible for a young man to go on a mission and not become a missionary, and this is not what the Lord requires or what the Church needs.”       Elder David A. Bednar      “Becoming a Missionary” (October 2005)

I’ve been so grateful for church here on my mission, it is where we can help our investigators feel that spirit that is there, I heard a statistic that an investigator is 80% more likely to be baptized if they’ve attended church, and I fully believe that.

This week don’t just GO to church! Enjoy it, embrace it. It is a place of refuge, if it’s not, then take a moment and ponder, the spirit will embrace you and you will feel at peace.

Elder Winkel

News from Minden: the woman from Ghana, and her 10 year old daughter that Elder O’Keefe and I found are going to be baptized on the 28th! On Wednesday an 18 year old girl that had to wait until she was 18 will be baptized, and on Saturday a 2 year investigator that we helped teach will also be baptized! SUPER EXCITING!

Photo of the District


Berlin Again

Monday night we stayed in Merzahn with Elder Glissmeyer and 10 other elders in a tiny apartment in the ghetto of Berlin. A night to not be forgotten! Elder Oliphant was also there!

This zone conference was also our last time with President and Sister Kosak. President’s last testimony was simply about the Restoration, the magnitude of it, and why we are here to share it with all our heart, might, mind, and strength (D&C:4). He also shared his deep and profound love for our Prophet Joseph Smith. I also have this love for Joseph Smith, he had a purpose, and he was well aware of the consequences, but he also had a perspective, an ETERNAL PERSPECTIVE. With an eternal perspective we have no reason to fear or doubt. Unfortunately that doesn’t make life always easy, but that’s okay because without the bad, we wouldn’t know good, and that wouldn’t be much fun right? (I like to have fun)

I hope that this week we can always remember the Eternal Perspective and remember the Prophet Joseph Smith.

Elder Winkel





This week we went by Herr G and he had a friend over. His friend apparently comes over every Wednesday because Herr G is most of the time alone, and… he has pretty bad Alzheimer’s. We had no idea but that explains why he hasn’t been following any of our commitments… because he just doesn’t remember.

But his friend said he’s met with some of our missionaries before and asked me the question “why are we here on the earth?” Before I could give him the answer, he cut me off and said he’ll just give us his address and number and we’ll have lunch at his house and talk about it. So hopefully we can get that arranged this week.

We also have a new investigator, he’s been a contact on our list and we’ve been over a billion times but he’s never home, but we finally made contact and made an appointment. He IS the fastest speaking German I’ve talked to… The members have told us that he talks fast… my trainee didn’t know what hit him. And in my head I was always a few sentences behind. But we taught the 1st lesson again and he committed to read so we’ll see how it goes!

Later today we are going to Berlin for Zone Conference tomorrow and spending the night in Merzahn with the one and only Elder Glissmeyer (from my MTC group) it will be a hoot.

Studied a little about “Hope” this week, Romans 8 gives a nice insight:
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for
what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it?

Hope requires a trial of faith, really a time period patience with faith that you will receive.
Faith that you WILL receive. The Lord will make it happen!

Elder Winkel

Adventures with Elder Carpenter

Well Tuesday I sent Elder Brimhall off, then I hopped on a train by myself to Chemnitz not knowing that that day and the next would be quite the adventure. For a few hours we helped missionaries get on and off trains at the train station. We got to help a lady from New York that didn’t speak German find her train. Then we went to check our train that would take us to Berlin the next morning. We found out that the trains were all going on strike so we had to find a new way to get there…

So we went and checked out buses and that wasn’t going to work, but then we had an appointment doing service so we went and changed and helped this lady with her yard, went back and changed again, so we could go to teach a guy from India in a park at the university. After, one of Elder Carpenter’s investigators was planning on coming to institute that night at the church. So we went to the church and looked for a way to get to Berlin on the computer there, then their investigator was late and didn’t remember how to get to the church. Some walked to the bus stop to go get him and brought him to the church.

Then I sat in institute with their investigator while Elder Carpenter continued his search finding a ride to Berlin. And there was none… So the APs told us to go take a train to Hohenstein where the sisters there have a car that we could use to drive to Berlin the next morning. But that meant we had to leave right then and run to the train station. So, we left the investigator with the members (after institute they bought him Subway and drove him home, he had a great time) and ran to catch a bus, then ran to the train station just in time to make the train. But as we were waiting they came over the loud speaker and said that our train had just fallen out… Then we got to help a guy find his train.

So we called the sisters and they said they could drive to Chemnitz and pick us up, then drive themselves home, then we could drive the car back to Chemnitz. So we took a bus back to the apartment. On the bus a guy needed help finding a street but he didn’t speak German or English and had no map, but luckily we had ours and pointed him in the right direction and then we got a call from one of their investigators. He told us he had no food and was out of money so we gathered some food from around the apartment and when the sisters picked us up we went and dropped it off at his house. Then the sisters drove us back to Hohenstein, and we took the car back to Chemnitz just in time before 10:30.

Elder Carpenter had the idea that we leave a little bit earlier in the morning so before our meeting we could go see a few of the sights in Berlin. So we woke up early and drove to Berlin. Luckily there’s a lot of cool sights in Berlin that are close to each other so we could just walk around and see them all quick. Then we went to the mission office and picked up our trainees! Elder Burns is my new companion! He’s from American Fork, and he’s really working hard on his German so he’s doing great!

After looking back on Tuesday, we had a lot of fun running around, and I also didn’t realize how many people the Lord put in our path that needed help. It wasn’t coincidence that we happened to be all over the place that day. I’m grateful for the time I can be here as a missionary, and that day was another testimony to me that God really does love ALL of his children.

Moroni 7:33

Have a sweet week!

Elder Winkel



Well this week I’ve been reading Jesus the Christ and so far one thing I’ve learned is that we really have no need to worry because JESUS IS THE CHRIST, HE IS our Savior and Redeemer. Hard times will come, they always do, but when it comes down to it we have no need to fear because we have the Atonement, it covers more than just sin. When we’re not sure which path to take in life, we need to show our faith in Him. He will show us the way.

This week we had a street stand with the ward, we weren’t really looking to forward to it but it went great. We were set up in the main square with a chalk drawing of the Plan of Salvation that one of the sisters drew, and then we went on exchanges with a couple of the members that showed up. It went really good and we talked to a lot of people. Towards the end Elder Brimhall and I went together again to talk to more people. I honestly didn’t have much faith then that we would find someone because we both look like missionaries, but the Lord reminded me to have FAITH. The first lady we talked to (29) we talked to for 30 minutes about the Plan of Salvation! She was Atheist but then found her faith through an answered prayer. She was really cool and gave us HER number. I hope we can meet this week with her.

Thursday was Christi Himmelfahrt so we played a bit of hide and seek with groups of drunk men all over town that were dressed up – pretty fun! Then at 6 when we had to be back in the apartment we went and made cinnamon rolls. It was fun! (plus we could see crowds of drunk men wander the city from our window)

Oh and Transfers… Elder Brimhall is going to Cottbus and I’m … training! It’ll be hard but I’m excited. On Tuesday I will go stay in Chemnitz for the day with Elder Carpenter who is also training, and on Wednesday we will go pick up our trainees in Berlin, and then we’ll get back late that night to Zwickau. So my comp will be dead tired.

Sad Elder Brimhall is leaving – it’s been a party for sure.

Elder Winkel

Nah we don’t have bikes…. they’re broken.

Our member wearing his outfit from his mission in Ukraine and playing the Didgeridoo!



Skype! It was great to see everyone! It was a good day.

This week on Thursday is “Christi Himmelfahrt”(Ascension Day) a Catholic holiday but Germans use it to get really drunk, so we have to be in our apartment by 6 on Thursday…

We taught 5 lessons this week with our 3 old investigators! They went well and Herr S even listened to the Book of Mormon on CD! We asked if he had – but we didn’t really think he had – but then he told us “ya they were in the wilderness and stuff, then that one guy wouldn’t give them that one thing…” really cool, always have faith in people! In the End we almost got 6 lessons to break our record but it was still a good week!

Mother’s Day was great! I’m so very thankful for my mom! A member in our ward I think quoted Gordon B. Hinckley with “Be kind to the women. They constitute half the population and are mothers to the other half.” We have so many women in our lives to be grateful for. My mom does so much for me and always is thinking of ways that she could help me.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Elder Winkel



Well a little bit of color has crept into Zwickau, not a ton, but flowers are beautiful plants… now my favorite. But the church is amazing.

This week I went on exchange with my trainer Elder O’Keefe! It was a blast and we taught a couple lessons to my investigators here in Zwickau. I’ve been a bit worried about my German lately but with our investigators I realized that I carried a conversation by myself (by the Spirit) for about an hour, I’m grateful for the gift of tongues, it really is real!

Not much was new this week, we’re working on finding people to teach, but we taught 5 lessons this week! We have 1 progressing investigator, an old guy close to 90. He lives all alone, and I think he just likes our visits but he has read about half the Book of Mormon, he’s really cool but really quiet. Our other investigator has a somewhat big problem with the Word of Wisdom, he also believes he’s Jesus but he’s a nice guy, we are his “Kids”. But he’s also alone and gets really excited when we come over.

Our days mostly consist of finding and going by old contacts, but we see success when we have the chance to do a little service every now and then.

The Lord loves all his children!

Happy Mother’s Day next week to all the amazing mothers out there! (especially mine)



Disciples in the Digital Age

Well first off we got a referral last week, he’s a refugee from Afghanistan, he’s actually the son of an ambassador there but people wanted to kidnap him so he came here! He’s Islamic and has really good English, he mostly wants friends and people to talk to so I guess we work. But we talked about God with him for about an hour so it was really cool.

Berlin! Well because of the train system strikes in Germany I got to buy another ticket there… so we took a 5 hour bus ride instead of a 3 hour ICE (Inter-City-Express) train ride… but it was okay because we got to hang out with our zone leaders, then we went and got Burger King. Then the office Elders came and picked us up and took us to their apartment, really cool and really big. Then another 6 elders got in late and had to crash with us too.

The next morning a bunch of old couple missionaries came and took us to the church, and I got to see everyone, super sweet.

The meeting was titled “Disciples in the Digital Age” and we’re supposed to get iPad’s in a week or so and we’ll be on facebook. But it was also the last time the entire mission would be together with President Kosak. It was really cool to see and talk to him again. He told us with all the internet and such that we will be using he has our complete trust, and the area seventy that was there added “President Kosak also told me he knows 16 ways to kill a man”. Then President from his seat nodded his head shot us with a pretend gun and blew the smoke from the barrel, all with a smile. I died laughing, really though, I died.  I have so much love/fear of President Kosak, he makes us want to be obedient, which is really important to a mission.

We also had Stake Conference on Saturday and President was also at that, he told the members to trust us with an analogy “when a bird builds a nest, it doesn’t rely on the branch, it relies on its wings” so hopefully more members will start trusting us. The members where I’m from all love him because he grew up in their Stake. Stake Conference was really cool too, because the Stake is so big they held it in a theater in Leipzig.

At the end of our meeting President Kosak said to not forget that we are children of God, I am a son/daughter of God, we’ve heard it all our lives, but do we really realize how important and big that really is? He told us to “remember to know that you know.” I know that what he said is true, we can always remember and rejoice because no matter what happens in the end, in the beginning we are children of God.

Lead kindly Light

Elder Winkel


A Kiss from Jesus

Braunschweig was cool! We went back to Primark and I bought a suit for 38 euros, and about 7 ties for 2 euros each, and Elder Brimhall’s arm is super, not broken anymore!

We went back and visited Herr S. He was drunk again, we tried to teach the Word of Wisdom but he thinks drinking is healthy for you… While we were there a nurse came and gave him a shot for his diabetes, then he told us he was Jesus and showed us his hands (nothing there) so we decided to leave and come back when he’s sober. When we were walking out he kissed Elder Brimhall on the cheek, not a European kiss thing but a giant smooch, I started to laugh and started back toward the door, but then Herr S told me I was next, I tried to explain that we were in a hurry but it was to no avail… I got one too.  Elder Brimhall laughed pretty hard…   But ja, we’ll keep working on him.

I taught a lesson in District Meeting about Humility. If we are humble the Lord will make our weakness our strengths to help us reach our full potential. Ether 12:27

It reminded me of “The Last Crusade” when Dr. Jones has to go through a trial of test to reach the Holy Grail. First Only the Penitent man will pass, second he kneels before the Lord in Humility, and third takes a leap of faith and trusts in the Lord. In the end he reaches the Grail and which cup is it? The humble cup of the carpenter. The Savior was our perfect example of Humility, he is one of the most popular individuals in all of history but he directs all the glory to our Father in Heaven.

I hope this week we can look to be a little better, a little more humble.

“We are all in it together, all of us, and we have a great work to do. Every teacher can be a better teacher than he or she is today. Every officer can be a better officer than he or she is today. Every father can be a better father, every mother can be a better mother, every husband can be a better husband, every wife a better wife, every child a better child. We are on the road that leads to immortality and eternal life and today is a part of it. Let us never forget it” – Gordon B. Hinkley

Thanks for the Easter package!

IMMER mit liebe

Elder Winkel
