Germany is Great

This week we had the chance to go visit B**** and see how he was doing. He got moved to a city pretty far away, so we went and read some scriptures with him. He shared the story of when he was going to be smuggled into Italy, he was placed in a boat and he prayed that God would lead him to where he needed to go. Some men came and kicked him out and put him in a small seemingly unsafe boat. But when they left a giant wave came and capsized the boat he was originally on and everyone died. His little boat made it safely to its destination. We never know which path is the right for us but if we put our faith in God he will lead us to where we need to be. Even if the path seems harder.

I’m getting a little sick so hopefully it’s nothing Big! Tomorrow we have zone training meeting in Hannover! And interviews with President Kosak! I love our President He really does care about us as missionaries, and it means a lot to me.

L**** (from Ghana) has now came to church twice! Her daughter (10) enjoyed primary as well! This week we had the most people we’ve had a church since I have been here! Fifty-seven! With three investigators! L****, her daughter, and a ten year old whose parents won’t let him get baptized yet…. last week we only had sixteen members at church with four investigators.

Germany is great – a lot of work, but I love it and the people!

Elder Winkel


Well this week Friday was our last day in the apartment! We ended with 10 not going anywhere… it was rough but I had a lot of time to read in the Book of Mormon and watch every church video ever made… “Together forever” will always be a classic haha.

I studied a lot about the Atonement, it’s a great topic to study because there is so much that we just can’t understand about it. Listening to talks, reading, and praying, I really learned a lot, but I know that I really can’t know all the answers in this life (especially how intelligences work) but it’s OK, because it’s not as important of the “how” but the “why”, because our Savior really does loves us, and He knows our potential.

A new investigator showed up a church on Sunday! I recognized him a little bit, about a month or so ago we were riding bikes at night and stopped this guy (probably freaked him out) gave him a Book of Mormon and a card! He showed up said he read a little and that he would be at church next week too! Can’t wait to see what happens!

Sad to hear about Sister McEwan’s passing, she really is a wonderful lady. She was always super nice to me and always helping me, nothing but positive memories of her.

White Walls

This week has been kind of long, but immer gut! Elder Paul is pretty cool and he’s been on his mission for 17 months so das ist toll auch. His first name is Hunter too. Unfortunately he came sick – pretty sick, so we’ve been inside for about 4 days now. We went to the doctor this morning and it turns out he has the flu so a few more days, just working on staying busy and not getting sick!

I forgot last week we contacted a guy on the street and he just kept staring at my name tag. His name is Dennis Winkel! He accepted a Book of Mormon, and we never heard from him again but still cool! (I shook his hand – that was funny)

Not much to say so I thought I would send you pics of our apartment…

Wish us good health!

I love being a missionary!

Elder Winkel

We have a grilled cheese maker, that’s pretty cool.

It’s been quite a week so anyone feel free to write… haha



Transfer calls! Elder O’Keefe is going to Plauen? I don’t know where that is. But I’m staying and an Elder Paul is coming (hopefully a Paul Hatch).  He’s been on his mission for 13 transfers and is American but lived in Germany for 6 years before his mission because his dad’s in the military or something. So cool! I’ll be picking him up in Hanover on Tuesday!

L**** came to church yesterday! It’s hard for her because she has 3 little kids and one of them is 2 months old but she told us she could make it to sacrament and she did! She’s the one from Ghana and she said her husband wants to meet with us next time he’s in town, so that was cool!

Hamburg was cool! It was a long train ride but it was fun to be on a train with 30 other missionaries! After mission tour I went straight to Bielefeld for an exchange with Elder Rhode! He’s only been in Germany for 6 weeks but he got us around like a champ. It rained the entire day and all we had planned was dooring. We found this huge apartment building with 50 door bells on the klingel so we went to work on it. At 25ish the door unlocked so we ran in, took an elevator up 6 floors and some kid was at the door. He went and got his dad, and his dad said “we’re all Muslims but come in” then I freaked out because I realized that Elder Rhode speaks not a lot of German so this would be interesting.

So we went in and I told him who we were and that we are sharing the Book of Mormon and that our church didn’t force us to come here and we paid for it ourselves (people find that interesting). Then an atomic spiritual bomb went off and we taught him the gospel for an hour and a half! I’ve never spoken so much German in my life! He just kept asking questions that the gospel could answer, then the spirit asked him (through us)”what would it mean to you if we had a prophet on earth today just like in biblical times?” He said that that would just make sense and that the world is going to a bad place. We explained the Book of Mormon, the plan of salvation, and the first vision, and it all just seemed to make sense to him. In the end he said he could not accept the book or the pamphlets we gave him because his wife would be really mad, but he accepted a card and said he would look up more. Another seed planted, so hopefully it grows!

The Spirit is real.

From what we’ve heard M*****’s records have been reviewed and he can be baptized again! So probably in the next few weeks!

Love Elder Winkel

Eating a Döner on the way to Hamburg.

doner traintohamburg

New Year’s

For New Year’s, we went to a members house and made pizza! That was way fun, then we got dropped off at our apartment at 9 and tried to go to bed…. but fireworks here go ALL night, I can only imagine how it is in the big cities like Berlin! The next morning was rough! We went outside to find nobody anywhere, and just fireworks and alcohol bottles everywhere, EVERYWHERE. So we decided to just pick up trash for a few hours, a lady came up to us and looked really confused “are you just picking up trash?” yeah. Then she asked if we had an extra bag that she could use as she walked home so we gave her one!

We took a bus about an hour out to a town called Lübbecke, at the bus station from Minden we met a guy named K****. He is from a country on the Red Sea. When he was a teenager he got arrested for fighting the government and spent a year in prison, then 3 months in solitary confinement where he was only fed 1 piece of bread a day… he said when you begged for more food they would come in with rifles and shoot at the ceiling. Then a couple years ago (he’s like 28 now) his mom paid to smuggle him out of the country by boat, the boat capsized and most of his friends died. He was then rescued by the Italian navy, and later made his way to Germany. He told us that God has saved his life for a reason. He’s been in Germany for a year now and is saving money for his family so they can come here eventually. He told us all this on the bus ride to Lübbecke where he lives in immigrant housing. We asked him about his living conditions and he said he doesn’t think about it much because complaining about it won’t help the situation. He said we could meet later in 2 weeks, and he loves to meet with people like us because we give him moral support! We taught him about the BofM and he said when we come that we can bring him a copy! He was a way cool guy!

This week we’re going to Hamburg for mission tour! About 1/3 of the mission will be there so that is going to be awesome! And next week is transfer calls so we will see what happens. Elder O’Keefe has been in Minden for 6 months! So…

Congrats to Kevin for getting Engaged! I wish them the best!

Love Elder Winkel




(Friday December 26th)


I probably made 200 cookies this last week, we took them to less actives and investigators with a joy to the world DVD!


We had our ward Christmas party Saturday! It was amazing we had 63 people there! About a billion less actives and only 5 nonmembers, but then at church the next morning we only had 16 people show up. It was quite a downer, the counselor who was conducting just got up and said “looks like everyone was too hungover from last night…” haha that was pretty funny, but yeah we have A LOT of less actives that just never show up…


There really is no place like home for the holidays! We listened to American Christmas music on Friday at one of our 7 hour eating appointments. Music really does make it feel like Christmas!

Christmas Eve we helped M***** move! He’s the guy that had his records removed from the church and is coming back. We’ve finished all the review lessons and now he just needs to meet with someone before he can be baptized again! So we helped him move from his mom’s house. She seemed like a super nice lady who looked and sounded just like Russell Anderson’s mom! But it turns out she’s bi polar and an atheist. So when we first met her she loved to talk to us and made us tons of cookies, but then the next day we dropped by and she wouldn’t even come say hello. M***** was really glad to be moving.

For the 25th and 26th of Christmas we went to family Meckas and family Schwabs. They basically kidnapped us at noon and wouldn’t drive us home till night, so we couldn’t get much work done. The other problem is NO ONE is outside and we can’t go door to door for this whole week so we’re either trapped at a member’s house, or organizing the area book. But being at a member’s house is super fun, we eat tons of food and play games but you start to feel like a worthless missionary after a while. So we’re going to go by some less actives with some more cookies and stuff like that!


We committed a lady to baptism! She’s from Ghana and her husband lives about 3 hours away because that was the only place he could find work. He’s a member but we’re not sure how active he is. We’ve never seen him and he only visits like once a month. After the first lesson the spirit kept telling me to ask her if she would be baptized so I finally did at the end and she said yes! The spirit was way strong!


(Monday 12/29)

I gave a talk in church about prayer, it went okay! German was a little rough in parts but I got my points across. We generally have about 25-35 in attendance. Saturday we did doors in the freezing cold all day. Sunday afternoon we went to an eating appointment, then to a 98 year old member’s birthday party and brought a new ward member that moved in so he could get to know people better!


Thanks for all the birthday emails!

I don’t have much time for a big email this week I actually got a lot of emails that I’m trying to reply to … 35 actually. I’m sending home my Christmas card today!

Zone conference was like a party! Way fun! I love our President and his wife so much. We had a lunch, watched Christmas videos, and had like a four hour devotional. President told us a little about his life story with pictures, then we got our packages! Way COOL.

Birthday was good! My comp made french toast! We had an investigator come to church named R****. He’s this middle age black dude from Trinidad that I honestly thought was homeless. We asked him if we could meet with him and he said “how about I just come to church on Sunday?”  Way cool! We met him at the bus station and his long dreads were all tied up and he was wearing a suit! We watched the Christmas devotional from the Conference Center for Sunday school and Priesthood! I think he really enjoyed it. He said he would come back for the whole time next week and that we could call him this week also!

M***** started to move into his new apartment! And he’s going to Histoinia(Estonia?) with that member this week! The member owns his own business and is taking M***** along for some work! We’ve taught him all the review lessons and he’s come to church both weeks so we just need to hear from the Stake President about when he can be rebaptized!

Love you all and thanks for all the birthday emails!

Elder Winkel



Visited Detmold again with Elder Barrios (from Timpview) on exchanges! So much fun!

Big Miracles in Little Minden

This week was great! The story is long but good!

We went knocking doors on Thursday (doors is always a last resort) and I was trying to be positive but was still surprised when we got a phone call from a guy named M*****.  He is a super educated guy with a law degree, who is fluent in German, English, and some other crazy language. He joined the church in 2005 while he was getting his law degree in San Antonio, Texas. He then moved back home where he just couldn’t find success here as a lawyer. Then his friends and family made fun of him and said bad things about the church and he slowly became inactive. His friends and family continued giving him a hard time about it, so he had his records removed from the church.

Six months ago he had a feeling he needed to come back, and then about a month ago he texted us asking when the next ward activity was which isn’t till Christmas. So then we didn’t hear from him again until Thursday, when he called and said he wanted to meet ASAP. Luckily we were dooring by the church which is cool because we’re NEVER by the church because it’s like a billion miles away. We met with him and he said he had a really huge spiritual experience this last week where God told him that he needed to come back.

So we met with him and the Bishop, and made a plan. He needs to meet with the Stake President and until then he said he would come to church. And yesterday he did! He was there the whole time and he made some really good comments. Then right when church ended he got a phone call that he got the apartment that he was trying to get so he could move out of his mom’s house. He’s currently a bus driver and he hates it. He even said “I’m honestly too qualified to be a bus driver”. And he told us he has to distance himself from his family and friends so that he can come closer to God.

Then (again at church) he overheard us talking to this member that’s going to be going to some country for a month. It just so happens that the third crazy language that he’s fluent in is for that country. He asked the member if he could find out if his company has any jobs available speaking that language. It turns out that they’ve been looking for someone that knows that language and a bunch about law – we think this members a debt collector (no joke). So then he got a job interview for later that day! He was so excited and he knows that the Lord is blessing him. Even if he doesn’t get this job the Lord is blessing him with opportunities.

He kept thanking us but I realized that we really didn’t do much. All we’re doing as missionaries is being an instrument. The Lord is just working his miracles through us. And I’m happy to be that instrument.

It’s weird that next week I’ll be 19… Elder O’keefe said he’ll make me Kneaders french toast for my birthday so it’ll be awesome! I love you all! And Christmas!


Elder Winkel


The “debt collector’s” house. He is the German guy that is having us teach his mother. His house is an old windmill that has been in his family forever! He travels a lot and all he’s really told us about his work is that he “deals with a lot of dishonest people” in the mill industry. Haha. Probably not a debt collector but he’s got some crazy scars on his face, he’s like a henchman from James Bond or something.

I bought a tree! 15 euros! I found a stand in our storage too!

All is gut in Minden!

All is gut in Minden! It’s just really cold and no one is outside anymore! A problem I’ve found is that we teach a lot of old ladies, and to meet with them we have to have a joint teacher because they’re alone in their house. Unfortunately we only have 5 ward members that will go with us, but they all have work during the day. We found this lady but we’ve had to cancel our last 2 appointments because she lives at home alone and we can’t find joint teachers! Oh well, the Lord will find a way!

Last week we took a train to Bad Oeynhausen, then took a bus to the middle of nowhere to go look for this old contact. We couldn’t find the address because we were pretty much in rolling hills. We found this little house and asked a lady if she could help us find it. All she said was “you must be looking for Benni” and then pointed to this forest with a little dirt road (pretty sketch). We went up the road and found this old barn this guy has made the corner of into a shack, so we knocked on it. This crazy looking dude answered, said he wasn’t interested, but said to come in … Turns out that 3 weeks before we showed up God told him in his head to get rid of his meth and weed … so he did! He threw his meth in the fireplace and pulled out all his weed plants. Then then next day God told him to quit smoking … so he did! Then he read in the Bible that we need to follow ALL of Gods commandments, and he believes that God is gathering his children in one church for the second coming. He’s been looking for a church that follows all of those things. So yeah then the missionaries just randomly show up a month later. BUT our church worships on Sunday, which is the first day on the German calendar. So he found a church that worships on Saturday the 7th day of the week in Germany. He also said he has found lots of problems with his church so he’s not sure. But he wouldn’t listen to anything that we had to say, and he wouldn’t read in the BofM or pray about it. So we bore testimony and left. It was way weird but I think we’ll go back in the future. It just takes forever to get to his house.

Christmas here is huge! Because there is no thanksgiving, the decorations go up after Halloween! It’s awesome!

For thanksgiving we had another exchange. I got to go to Bielefeld again, and go with Elder Barrios to Detmold! It’s pretty much the Christmas town! It was such a clean place and the people were pretty nice! And I got to have McDonalds at the top of the train station, so very American. I’m buying a Christmas tree today! And a coat.

Detmold     McDonald's

The work here is hard, but every mission is that way (just some a little more than others…haha).


Elder Winkel

The day I challenged Minden

This week we promoted our ward game night to the city of Minden! We got some chalk and wrote in different places in the city challenging me to ping pong! And the winners would get tons of chocolate. We weren’t planning on it being too popular but thought maybe someone would come. Well, we were not too surprised when no one came, but we were a little more surprised when almost no one in the ward even came … except 5 old people. It turns out our ward is all related in one way or another, and there’s really only 8 people in the ward that actually go to the activities! But oh well – next time! As it stands I’m the best player in the city I guess … although one of the old ladies gave me a run for my money!


This week was rough number wise! But that’s not what matters, we’re working really hard to find people right now, which can sometimes mean area book work… and we’ve made 2 appointments from it so we will see how it goes!

I’m excited for this Christmas season! My comp is being a bit of a scrooge and making me wait till Thanksgiving to listen to the Christmas CD I found … and put up decorations … haha it’s for the best, and I’m looking for a (cheap) Christmas tree! It turns out there’s a Christmas tree farm right outside of town! I’ll probably end up getting a nice little Charlie Brown tree!

I’m grateful for the Savior and His sacrifice for us, and I love to be able to learn about Him every day. I’m excited for this Christmas season, where we can share about the true meaning of the season. HE IS THE GIFT

Elder Winkel

We met up with some other elders last p-day and went up to the monument!


Zerbster Straße 42

12209 Berlin

mission home, best for anything sent, and especially at the beginning of the year (cause I could be transferred by then)