
My time here in Zwickau could be coming to a close. Saturday is transfer calls, so we’ll see what happens. But I’ve thought a lot about what I have learned during my time here in Zwickau. First I thought about what I learned when my journey began… Minden. I learned a lot there, but one thing that stuck out to me was that I found myself, I saw myself in a new perspective, I saw what I wanted to become, and that’s when I started to go for it!

Zwickau, I learned to love the German people, because boy I had to learn to love them because there was no chance they were going to love me! My first transfer we taught 6 lessons in 6 weeks, and a couple of those lessons we taught, the investigator may or may not have been intoxicated 😉  We were confused… we both had experience, a great companionship, but we kept asking ourselves why can’t WE do this? The WE was the problem, of course we couldn’t do it! But the Lord could do it! And we needed two things to receive that help.

  1. Humility, this was a time where I think the Lord really wanted us to learn something, not so much as a punishment, but as a learning period. Because we really were trying to do the Lord’s work.
  1. Love, I can in honestly say, we didn’t really love the people. “Love your enemies” yeah… We didn’t really do that. It was more at the point of “the feeling is mutual” haha, so we changed that.

The second transfer we taught 26 lessons, because Elder Brimhall and I worked on these things.

Elder James E. Talmage talks about the great commandment to love our Father, and to love our fellow man. He commented that these two commandents “are so closely related as to be virtually one: … ‘Thou shalt love.’ He who abideth one of the two will abide both; for without love for our fellows, it is impossible to please God.”

We are all learning! I’m grateful for the time to be learning here in Germany in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ. Who can you love this week?  Have a good one.


Elder Winkel



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