Minden Feva

Well I spent a nice 6 days in the apartment…with a nice fever, but I’m starting to get better so that’s good. Other than that we had interviews with President Kosak in Hannover! I love President. He’s such a great guy. He told me I’m doing great, but to get healthy, and to write him longer letters. You can tell that he cares about his missionaries so much, and just wants what’s best for us!

We went to the chocolate factory again! I was super sick but Chocolate makes everything better! (as Sister Kosak would say)

While I was sick in bed we had four investigators at church! So fifty people at church! Our investigator from Ghana, L****, brought her sister! It was great that she went because we usually call her to remind her to come to church.

M*****’s records got to Hannover and the Stake President said he can be baptized again! So we’re planning on Saturday in 2 weeks! I wished I would have helped the missionaries at home. Members are really so much help. So see how you can serve your local missionaries (even the Utah ones)!

Elder Winkel


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