
We had a miracle this week while we were street contacting. As we were walking a man standing in the doorway of a cafe gave me a weird look, waved us over and asked if we could talk with him for a couple minutes. He went on to explain that he is a member of the church and recently moved back to this part of Germany, he then showed us on his Facebook that the missionary that had baptized him, had just sent him the day before a link to the church website. Then a day later, he sees us walking down the street. He said he knows it was a sign from God and is ready to come back to church.

Thursday was our day of service… and was the sun wonderful. One could tell we got some sun, mostly because E. Anderson was looking like a red hot chili pepper by the end of the day. Pretty much from 10-7 we were pulling weeds, cutting grass, and fighting back the giant spiders in the wood pile we re-stacked. Man, I know those spider don’t have anything on the spiders in South America, but quantity is definitely worse than quality. Breeding like rabbits? Well rabbits can’t lay a trillion eggs in a woodpile.
Anyways one of ladies we did service for has an exchange student from Jordan living with her. I guess she thinks we’re pretty cool or something because she wants to make us some middle eastern food before Ramadan starts so that’ll be neat.

Elder Winkel


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