Index for surnames beginning with b (Family Pages)
[BOWLINGE, Mrs Elizabeth ] - [BROWN, Harold Selby ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [BABCOCK, George Dewey ] - [Barney, Arnel Llewellyn ]
[BARNHART, Roberta Jean ] - [Billings, James Samuel ]
[BILLINGS, Linda Joyce ] - [BLACK, Bertha May ]
[BLACK, Beth ] - [BLACK, Dixie Ruth ]
[BLACK, Don Drew ] - [BLACK, Guy Ross ]
[BLACK, Gwen ] - [BLACK, Kaylene ]
[BLACK, Keith ] - [BLACK, Martin Luther ]
[BLACK, Martin Luther ] - [BLACK, Reed ]
[Black, Reed Fred ] - [BLACK, Vilate ]
[BLACK, Vina ] - [BOWLINGE, John ]
[BOWLINGE, Mrs Elizabeth ] - [BROWN, Harold Selby ]
[BROWN, Harvey Hyrum ] - [BUNNELL, Larry Porter ]
[BUNNELL, Laurie Jo ] - [Byers, William Franklin ]
BOWLINGE, Mrs Elizabeth {I12637} (b. 1540)
BOWLINGE, Rebecca {I12643} (b. 11 Aug 1566 - d. 1592)
BOWLINGE, Thomas {I12644} (b. 29 Apr 1565)
Bowman, John Jr. {I13401} (b. 10 Feb 1811 - d. 19 Nov 1873)
Bowman, June {I8952}
Bowman, Margaret A. {I13217} (b. 2 Dec 1835 - d. 29 Jan 1893)
BOX, Martha {I12691} (b. 1545)
BOX, Mrs William {I12694} (b. ABT 1513)
BOX, William {I12693} (b. ABT 1513)
Boy, Baby {I14462} (b. 18 Aug 1981 - d. 18 Aug 1981)
Boyack, Margaret {I8593}
Boyce, Afton {I2311}
BOYCE, Carol Jeannine {I2953}
Boyce, David Ross {I6716}
BOYCE, Donald Rowley {I2960}
BOYCE, George Benjamin {I5828}
Boyce, George L. {I6710}
BOYCE, George Preston {I2948} (b. 23 Apr 1901 - d. 19 Dec 1972)
Boyce, Illene {I6715}
Boyce, Linda Lee {I6714}
BOYCE, Marguerite {I2949}
Boyce, Marilyn Marie {I6712}
BOYCE, Preston Leon {I2951}
Boyce, Robert {I6713}
BOYCE, Sammy Larue {I2955}
Boyd, Frank Edward {I7886}
Boyd, James LeRoy {I9477}
Boyd, Lynda Sue {I9476}
Boyd, Pamela Lee {I9475}
Boyd, Richard Alan {I7887}
Boyd, Roy {I9473}
Boyd, Wilford Janes {I9472}
Braby, Ethel {I2471}
Brackett, Edward {I8533}
Brackett, Mary {I1191}
BRADFORD, Andrew Lee {I4477}
BRADFORD, Audree {I3860} (b. 22 Jul 1950 - d. 4 Jun 1961)
BRADFORD, Barlow Dean {I4450}
BRADFORD, Betty Ann {I4484}
BRADFORD, Beverly {I4466}
BRADFORD, Blain Warren {I4448}
BRADFORD, Bobby Blain {I4442}
BRADFORD, Calvyn Boyd {I3730}
BRADFORD, Cleal Zemira {I4468}
BRADFORD, Colette {I4458}
BRADFORD, David Patton {I3868}
BRADFORD, George Harvey {I2916}
Bradford, George Leon {I6863}
BRADFORD, George Randall {I2918}
BRADFORD, George Wahington {I4439}
BRADFORD, Gerald Duane {I2920}
BRADFORD, Heidi Jo {I4455}
BRADFORD, Joyce {I3861}
BRADFORD, Kay Patten {I4462}
BRADFORD, Kelly Barton {I4481}
BRADFORD, Kenneth Kay {I3864}
BRADFORD, Kline Broderick {I4460}
BRADFORD, Lance J. {I2917} (b. 12 Apr 1947 - d. 12 Apr 1947)
BRADFORD, Lisa {I4479}
BRADFORD, Luann {I4447}
BRADFORD, Margaret {I4444}
BRADFORD, Mark Barton {I4473}
BRADFORD, Nanette {I8722}
Bradford, Phyllis {I6862}
BRADFORD, Raymond Vance {I3866}
BRADFORD, Robert T {I4454} (b. 1 Sep 1958 - d. 3 Sep 1958)
BRADFORD, Russell Jesse {I2922}
BRADFORD, Ruth Ann {I4457}
BRADFORD, Scott Weston {I4446}
BRADFORD, Sylvester {I4441} (b. 19 May 1903 - d. 17 Sep 1982)
BRADFORD, Sylvester K. (Kay) {I3859}
BRADFORD, Terri {I4470}
BRADFORD, Tex Kline {I4452} (b. 10 Mar 1927 - d. 12 Nov 1995)
BRADFORD, Theda {I4483} (b. 7 Feb 1933 - d. 29 Jan 1935)
BRADFORD, Toni {I2926}
BRADFORD, Valorie {I4475}
Bradley, Carol {I9547}
BRADLEY, James {I133} (b. <1878>)
Bradley, Lois {I9548}
BRADLEY, Miss {I12470} (b. 1504)
BRADLEY, Reiner Paul {I2975}
Bradley, Richard {I9546}
Bradley, Richard Allen {I9549}
Bradshaw, Elizabeth LaPreal {I9980}
BRADSHAW, Nelda {I3605}
Bradshaw, Sharon {I10934}
Brady, Catherine Marie {I6005}
Brady, Thomas {I6004}
Braithwaite, Lester {I6476}
Braithwaite, Madge {I6475}
Brake, Albert Lynn {I7433}
Brake, Darrell Oscar {I7419}
Brake, Domonick {I8625}
Brake, Jo Ann {I7428}
Brake, John {I8627}
Brake, Lorna {I7420}
Brake, Luther Garland {I7416}
Brake, Mary {I7432}
Brake, Nick David {I8626}
Brake, Oscar Roy {I7417}
Braman, Bob {I9310}
Braman, Son {I9311}
BRANCH, Belva {I1319}
BRANCH, Ervin {I6997}
BREACH, Bertha Ellen {I1016} (b. <1894>)
Breckenridge, Ida {I6788}
Breiding, Bernice H. {I1231}
BREINHOLT, Arbbor Junior {I329} (b. 27 Mar 1914 - d. 27 Sep 1991)
Breinholt, Carlie Ann {I330}
BREINHOLT, Christianna {I4310}
BREINHOLT, Christy Lynn {I8690} (b. 14 May 1952 - d. 24 Mar 1954)
BREINHOLT, David Mardo {I4327}
BREINHOLT, David Milton {I4309} (b. 2 Aug 1887 - d. 11 Apr 1948)
Breinholt, Jay Lee {I333}
BREINHOLT, Jens Christiane Lorsen {I4283}
BREINHOLT, Kathleen Joe {I8689}
BREINHOLT, Larry Junior {I4315}
BREINHOLT, Lawrence Milton {I4325}
BREINHOLT, Lynn Oliver {I172}
BREINHOLT, Mark Weston {I8691}
Breinholt, Milton Arbor {I331}
BREINHOLT, Neal David {I8692}
BREINHOLT, Patty Jean {I8688}
Breinholt, Sally {I332}
BREINHOLT, Stirling Duane {I8687}
Bremner, Bonnie Belle {I13737}
Bremner, Mr. {I13734}
Bremner, Theodore Nees {I13735}
Bremner, Timothy Nees {I13736}
BRESHEARS, Billee Jean {I3041}
BRESHEARS, Fred Leroy {I3043} (b. 27 Jul 1935 - d. 22 May 1962)
BRESHEARS, Michael Joe {I3045}
BRESHEARS, Virgil Roy {I3040}
BREWER, Eunice Irene {I2315}
Brewer, Mary Bethina {I8983}
Bridewell, Nancy {I10087}
Briggs, Bessie Louise {I9868}
BRIGHTMER, {I12792} (b. ABT 1460)
BRIGHTMER, Mrs. {I12806} (b. ABT 1464)
BRIGHTON, Bruce L. {I3147}
BRIGHTWELL, Karen Rae {I5078}
Brindley, Sonia {I10963}
BRINKERHOFF, Ivy May {I1018} (b. 6 Apr 1898 - d. 28 Mar 1949)
Brinkerton, Estella Betrice {I8545}
BRISCOE, Bryan E. {I6914}
BRISCOE, Lillian Ann {I1206}
BRISCOE, Steven Jay {I4106}
Brittain, Shirley Rae {I5968}
Brittain, Vernon {I5969}
BROCKBANK, John Orlon {I4781}
BROCKBANK, John Park {I4775}
BROCKBANK, Orlan Nord {I8812}
BROCKBANK, Orlon J. {I3969} (b. <1892>)
BRODERICK, Bruce R. {I8737}
BRODERICK, Clara {I4381}
BRODERICK, Hilliard {I8701}
BRODERICK, Julene {I8736}
BRODERICK, Lee R. {I4507}
BRODERICK, Luelma {I4453}
BRODERICK, Mindy Lee {I4505}
Brokenbelly, Sarah {I10548}
Bronson, Gwen {I5763}
Brooks, Eva Evans {I10666}
Brooks, Frances Rebecca {I6092}
Brooks, Lafe Edwin {I13563}
BROOKS, Rosilla {I3193} (b. 6 Feb 1883 - d. 3 Jan 1967)
Brooks, Viann {I13564}
BROUGH, Bernice {I2368}
BROUGH, Owen Lavor {I6743}
BROUGH, Richard Grant {I2079} (b. 4 Mar 1923 - d. 2 Apr 1994)
BROWN, Alberta {I2641}
Brown, Alexander {I8956}
BROWN, Arleen {I2659}
Brown, Arnette Marie {I13590}
BROWN, Aroe Guymon {I2634} (b. 13 Aug 1916 - d. 25 Oct 1985)
BROWN, Aspen Leah {I14409}
BROWN, Azariah {I6802}
BROWN, Barbara {I2653}
Brown, Benjamin John {I6947}
BROWN, Berdene {I2649}
BROWN, Bert {I6304}
BROWN, Bertha {I6307}
BROWN, Bonnie Delight {I6305}
BROWN, Bryton Cora {I14443}
Brown, Dan Illum {I1272}
BROWN, Danny Martin {I6329}
BROWN, David Lamont {I6457}
BROWN, Don Guymon {I2647}
BROWN, Donald Dee {I6324}
BROWN, Dorothy Kaye {I3162}
BROWN, Durke Deon {I6340}
BROWN, Elda Jane {I338} (b. 14 Sep 1904 - d. 17 May 1985)
BROWN, Emalee Loretta {I14440}
BROWN, Garth {I6308}
BROWN, Gerry Lynn {I6325}
BROWN, Grace Xinli {I14402}
BROWN, Harding Cooledge {I2103} (b. 6 Mar 1920 - d. 9 Mar 1954)
BROWN, Harold Ray {I6309}
BROWN, Harold Selby {I6339}
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