Index for surnames beginning with s (Family Pages)
[Sabine, Lucile ] - [Sherman, Walter Robert ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER)[Sabine, Lucile ] - [Sherman, Walter Robert ]
[Sherry, Catherine Viviene ] - [Slye, Owen Warner ]
[Slye, Peyton Leeanne ] - [Soulier, Sharee ]
[SOUTH, Kelly Leann ] - [Stewart, McGretha ]
[Stewart, Nancy Lavina ] - [Summers, Marc Kasay ]
[Summers, Robert Warren ] - [S²rensen, Jens ]
Sabine, Lucile {I9610}
Sailor, Matietta {I1786}
Salisbury, Dorothy Lavon {I10768}
Sample, Grace {I6419}
Sanchez, Benjamin {I6878}
Sanchez, Mary {I6877}
SANDBERG, Susan Beth {I5010}
Sanders, Chloe Pearl {I9451} (b. 7 Oct 1893)
Sanders, James {I9452}
Sanders, Lucy {I6501}
Sanders, Martha Frances {I8614}
Sanders, Mildred Opal {I9390}
Sanders, Roy {I9391}
Sanders, Sarah Elizabeth {I9109}
Sanderson, Jaden {I14489}
Sanderson, Orion Lynn {I14488}
SANDFORD, Elizabeth {I12664} (b. ABT 1522)
Sandlin, Nammie {I8138}
SANGER, Clarence Albert {I5178}
SANGER, Jania {I8940}
Sant, Sylvia {I8500}
Santora, Lucie {I9813}
SARGENT, Jill Becky {I4625}
Sarle, {I14161}
Sarle, Alexus Marie {I14158}
Sarle, Jamiel Christine {I14159}
Sarle, Jason Joseph {I14156}
Sartor, Barbara {I6336}
Sartor, William Franklin {I6337}
Satterlee, Barret {I11100}
Satterlee, Daughter {I11098}
Satterlee, Daughter {I11099}
Saunders, John {I6438}
Saunders, Ruby Kay {I6439}
SAWYER, Afton Gerry {I6447}
SAWYER, Afton Gillespie {I2073} (b. 14 Mar 1917 - d. 15 Nov 1973)
SAWYER, Ann {I5345}
SAWYER, Carl Devon {I6449}
SAWYER, Mary Letha {I6448}
SAWYER, Steven Albert {I6450}
SAXTON, Hellen Leuvica {I2101}
Saylors, Edna {I9117}
Scaggs, Bertha {I9323}
Scaggs, Cloyd {I9324}
Scaggs, Delbert {I9326}
Scaggs, Jesse {I9322}
Scaggs, Maxine {I9325}
Scaggs, Patty {I9329}
Scaggs, Raeburn {I9327}
Scaggs, Ramond {I9328}
Schaub, Anna {I13685} (b. ABT 1690)
SCHETSELAAR, Anthony Daniel {I7617}
SCHIFFMAN, Jay Darrell {I3250}
Schmid, Albert {I10357}
Schmid, Albert Francis {I10358}
Schmid, Charles Fredric {I10361}
Schmid, Jane Elspeth {I10360}
Schoener, Patricia Lu {I14172}
Schofield, Kayla Josephine {I14215}
Schofield, Morgan Kate Elizabeth {I14214}
Schofield, Spencer {I14213}
Schok, Elisabeth {I10037}
SCHROEDER, Anna Maria {I13055} (b. 2 Aug 1781 - d. 24 Oct 1856)
Schubert, David {I10132}
Schubert, Elsie Herbel {I10131}
SCHULTZ, William Scott {I4019}
Schwartz, Don Alan {I7104}
Schwartz, Jack {I1458}
Schwartz, Max {I7102}
Schwartz, Robin Lee {I1459}
Scott, Anona Mae {I6651}
SCOTT, Brad Paul {I2571}
Scott, Brent Ray {I13849}
SCOTT, Bryan Richard {I14431}
Scott, Carry {I10306}
Scott, Chad Tim {I13759}
SCOTT, Cindy {I2568}
Scott, Daniel Ray {I13855}
Scott, Heidi {I13758}
SCOTT, Janet Elaine {I5131}
Scott, Jessica Mary {I13772}
Scott, Jill {I13757}
Scott, Karen Clara {I10893}
Scott, Kymberlie {I13764}
SCOTT, Leland Virl {I902}
Scott, Leslie Ann {I13763}
Scott, Mark Daniel {I13858}
SCOTT, Maxine {I1466}
Scott, Mindy {I13761}
SCOTT, Roseanne {I2483}
Scott, Sage Augustus {I13774}
Scott, Stacy {I13760}
Scott, Talon Clay {I13773}
SCOTT, Tim Wren {I2569}
Scott, Todd Brad {I13765}
SCOTT, Wren Arvil {I2567}
Scovill, Loraina Ann {I8233}
Scoville, Mary Louise {I5267}
Scraggen, Lula {I7270}
Seabury, Melissa {I9779}
Seamore, Catherin {I7054}
Seeley, Bret Lynn {I13573}
SEELEY, Flossie D. {I3549}
Seeley, Kirk Russell {I13572}
Seeley, Roger Wilbur {I13570}
Seely, Alvin Anthony {I5811}
Seely, Douglas Lynn {I5816}
Seely, Kathleen {I5815}
Seely, Levi Earl {I5812}
Seely, Suzanne {I5814}
Seeman, Esther Mae {I5965}
SEITER, Kenneth Bryan {I3478}
SEITZ, Andrew Norfors {I7587}
SEITZ, Catherine {I7591}
SEITZ, Jack Andrew {I272}
SEITZ, Jacqueline {I7586}
SEITZ, Jaqueline {I7589}
SEITZ, Sheldon Lawrence {I7590}
SELGENSEN, Karen {I11492} (d. 5 Mar 1797)
Seliskar, Janez Richard {I10404}
Seliskar, John {I10402}
Seliskar, Matejah {I5655}
Seliskar, Yousif Daniel {I10403}
SELLERS, Adelbert Garn {I3532} (b. 17 Jun 1917 - d. 15 Oct 1918)
SELLERS, Adelbert Marsh {I3512} (b. 5 Jul 1882 - d. 15 Apr 1955)
SELLERS, Ann Marie {I3523}
SELLERS, Daniel Shane {I8612}
Sellers, Don Arden {I3517}
SELLERS, Don Ferron {I3529} (b. 21 Jan 1916 - d. 27 May 1959)
SELLERS, James {I8600}
SELLERS, James Arden {I3513} (b. 30 Jul 1910 - d. 9 Dec 1968)
SELLERS, Kirk Neal {I3525}
SELLERS, Mary {I3537}
SELLERS, Olive {I3533} (b. 16 Aug 1920 - d. 2 Jul 1974)
SELLERS, Richard Kent {I3547}
SELLERS, Richard Kent {I8611}
SELLERS, Robert Douglas {I3548}
SELLERS, Rodney James {I3515}
SELLERS, Stephen Knight {I3519}
SELLERS, Verden {I3528} (b. 20 Sep 1913 - d. 17 May 1924)
SELLERS, Wayne David {I3521}
Severns, Mary Jane {I10164}
SEVY, Christine Carole {I8134}
SEVY, Gregory Ray {I8139}
SEVY, Jan {I8144}
SEVY, Marjorie Ann {I8145}
SEVY, Milo Henry {I8128}
SEVY, V. M. {I8140}
SEVY, Ward Clinton {I979} (b. 13 May 1903 - d. 1973)
SEVY, Ward Larry {I8130}
SEVY, Wilford Ray {I8135}
Sexton, Geraldine {I9879}
Sexton, Oral {I9880}
Shakespear, Amy {I7798}
Shakespear, William John {I10538}
Shamel, Andrea Neal {I10072}
Shamel, James Elmer {I10067}
Shamel, James Rollin {I10066}
Shamel, Julie Christina {I10070}
Shamel, Maria Lisa {I10071}
Shamel, Therese Linda {I10069}
Shanaghan, Mary Ellen {I10064}
Sharp, Julie {I5834}
Sharp, LuRae {I7847}
SHARP, Mrs. William {I12509} (b. ABT 1462)
SHARP, William {I12508} (b. ABT 1458 - d. 6 Dec 1525)
SHARPE, Agnes {I12488} (b. 10 Aug 1530 - d. 13 May 1565)
SHARPE, Robert {I12506} (b. ABT 1484 - d. ABT 1525/1535)
Shaw, Florence {I9331}
Sheapard, Katherine Ann {I8119}
Sheapard, Laura Susan {I8120}
Sheapard, Robert A. {I8117}
Sheapard, Robert Dean {I8116}
Shearer, Daisy Belle {I13203} (b. 1881 - d. 4 Jun 1945)
Shelton, Carl {I9485}
Shelton, Elaine {I9486}
SHEPARD, Annette Joan {I5527}
Sheppard, Alison {I7655}
SHEPPARD, Alison {I1752}
Sheppard, Anna Grace {I6453}
SHEPPARD, Arda Elleen {I1764}
SHEPPARD, Cynthia {I1758}
SHEPPARD, Laurel Larene {I1732}
SHEPPARD, Marilee {I1761}
Sheppard, Paige {I10967}
Sheppard, Rachel Ann {I4430}
SHEPPARD, Sharla Fay {I1756}
SHEPPARD, Valerie {I1760}
SHEPPARD, William Merton {I459}
SHEPPARD, William Overton {I1731}
SHERMAN, Albey Lyman {I5977}
Sherman, Alby William {I8177}
Sherman, Clarinda Louisa {I6063}
Sherman, Dan {I6061}
Sherman, Laura {I8176} (b. 21 Nov 1886)
Sherman, Mary Elvira {I6924}
SHERMAN, Susan Julia {I3909} (b. 6 May 1869 - d. 4 May 1956)
Sherman, Walter Robert {I6060}
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