Index for surnames beginning with s (Family Pages)
[SOUTH, Kelly Leann ] - [Stewart, McGretha ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Sabine, Lucile ] - [Sherman, Walter Robert ]
[Sherry, Catherine Viviene ] - [Slye, Owen Warner ]
[Slye, Peyton Leeanne ] - [Soulier, Sharee ]
[SOUTH, Kelly Leann ] - [Stewart, McGretha ]
[Stewart, Nancy Lavina ] - [Summers, Marc Kasay ]
[Summers, Robert Warren ] - [S²rensen, Jens ]
SOUTH, Kelly Leann {I4400}
SOUTHLAND, Carrie Jean {I7820}
SOUTHLAND, Diana Lynn {I7821}
Spafford, Azalia Marilla {I8603}
Sparks, Bruce Boyd {I539} (d. 17 Mar 1945)
Sparks, Iva {I13674} (b. 21 May 1872 - d. 1 Aug 1959)
Sparks, William {I13624} (b. 6 Oct 1869 - d. 6 Nov 1952)
Speakman, Mattie {I8284}
SPENCER, Carla Nan {I881}
SPENCER, Dale Orson {I872}
SPENCER, Elvon Howard {I865}
SPENCER, Emily {I875}
SPENCER, George {I7824} (d. 12 Apr 1872)
SPENCER, Gerald C. {I870}
SPENCER, Harriet Marinda {I647} (b. 4 Apr 1859 - d. 11 Feb 1926)
SPENCER, Howard V. {I864} (b. 21 Aug 1903 - d. 5 Dec 1982)
SPENCER, Isaac Carling {I8085}
Spencer, Jana {I13534}
SPENCER, Jeanene {I880} (b. 5 Jun 1945 - d. 22 Apr 1946)
SPENCER, Jerry Merle {I883}
SPENCER, Jerusha Irene {I12626} (b. 1 Mar 1865 - d. 27 Feb 1942)
SPENCER, Lavona {I868}
Spencer, Lydia {I5701}
SPENCER, Moses Roswell {I7044}
SPENCER, Ray Curtis {I2881}
SPENCER, Samuel {I11716}
SPENCER, Shirl William {I877}
SPENCER, Son {I867} (b. 17 Jul 1932 - d. 17 Jul 1932)
Spencer, Viola {I7999}
SPICKERT, John Charles {I5053}
SPICKERT, Mary Lila {I3078}
SPICKETT, Mary Lila {I3083}
SPRINGER, Sherryl Lynne {I2049}
Springthorp, Thressa {I7902}
SPRINT, Andreas {I11521}
Staheli, Carla {I13110}
STALEY, Grant B. {I4072}
STALEY, Larry Esmond {I1985}
Stamler, David Warren {I11659}
Stamler, Michael Allen {I11661}
Stamler, Sandra Jean {I11657}
Stamler, Warren Sherwood {I11656}
Standing, Amy {I7197}
STANSFIELD, Camille Sylvia {I3751}
Stapley, Blain {I7770}
Stapley, Brad K. {I7773}
Stapley, David Kent {I7772}
Stapley, Kent Heaton {I7769}
STAPLEY, Sonja {I1845}
Stark, Bruce Alan {I7088}
Stark, Frank E. {I7085}
Stark, Frank Howard {I1451}
Stark, Frank Robert {I7087}
Stark, Gregory B. {I7091}
Stark, John Richard {I7092}
Stark, Karan {I7089}
Stark, Spencer Reed {I7090}
Starkey, Billie Dawn {I8784}
Starkey, Carlos Floyd {I8781}
Starkey, Kelly Alvin {I8785}
Starkey, Patton, Floyd {I8787}
Starkey, Tommy Verlin {I8786}
Starkey, Walter Dewey {I8782}
Starks, Deena Fay {I8792}
Starks, James Hershel {I8788}
Starks, Penny Arvay {I8791}
Starks, William Arthur {I8789}
STARR, Authur {I1944}
STARR, June {I1947}
STARTUP, Maurine {I1962}
Staser, Estella May {I9492}
Steadman, Daniel Lee {I6220}
Steadman, Don William {I6216}
Steadman, Edward William {I6217}
Steadman, Kim {I6223}
Steadman, Marceline {I6221}
Steadman, Ronald Wayne {I6222}
Steadman, Susan {I6224}
Steadman, William Leon {I6219}
STEELE, Blaine Leon {I2776}
STEELE, Brigg R. {I8733}
STEELE, Brigham Bailey {I4513}
STEELE, Coreyna {I8731}
STEELE, Danec {I4509}
STEELE, Daughter {I4512} (b. 12 Aug 1943 - d. 12 Aug 1943)
STEELE, David {I8735}
STEELE, Erwin Que {I8734}
STEELE, Genavee {I4506}
Steele, Jackson Lewis {I8776}
STEELE, Lorraine {I8732}
STEELE, Murry Frost {I4504} (b. 19 Apr 1929 - d. 1 Sep 1943)
STEELE, Robert {I4502} (b. 22 Feb 1905 - d. 27 Aug 1969)
Steele, Robert Dee {I8777}
STEELE, Robert Que {I4503}
Steele, Sue Ann {I8778}
Steelman, Colleen {I3056}
Stein, Lorreth {I13361}
STEINER, Bonnie Jean {I7768}
Steiner, Carl {I9638}
STEINER, Curtis Deo {I587}
Steiner, Diana Lynn {I9640}
STEINER, Ernest Herman {I566} (b. 16 Dec 1893 - d. 2 Dec 1957)
STEINER, Gaylon Vinton {I577}
STEINER, Janette {I7796}
STEINER, Jay Ernest {I567}
STEINER, John Ernest {I7764}
STEINER, Katherine {I7779}
STEINER, Kay Louise {I7790}
STEINER, Kimala {I581}
STEINER, Linda Sue {I7799}
STEINER, Lorraine {I573}
STEINER, Mary Dawn {I575}
STEINER, Merna {I569}
STEINER, Merna Lee {I7794}
STEINER, Mickie {I7795}
STEINER, Neil Merton {I589}
STEINER, Rodney Ernest {I583}
STEINER, Shirley Ann {I7774}
STEINER, Sue Ann {I7789}
STEINER, Thurston Curtis {I7793}
STEINER, Vinton Granden {I571}
STEINER, Virgil Black {I585}
Steiner, William John {I9637}
Stelzner, Edward {I9573}
Sterett, Sarah Dorleska {I6725}
Sterling, Danalene {I3706}
Sterling, Daniel Lawrence {I3705}
Sterling, Sharlene {I3691}
STEVENS, Ammon Cannon {I2064} (b. 9 Aug 1893 - d. 17 Jan 1978)
STEVENS, Ammon Carl {I6395}
STEVENS, Amy {I1631} (b. 12 Feb 1905 - d. 16 Nov 1997)
STEVENS, Anna Marie {I6404}
STEVENS, April {I7699}
Stevens, Ardell {I7049}
STEVENS, Bonnie {I6403}
STEVENS, Bruce Earl {I2842}
STEVENS, Carl {I6399}
STEVENS, Carol {I2108}
STEVENS, Chad Joshua {I2113}
STEVENS, Christine {I6406}
STEVENS, Dane Lamont {I2100} (b. 5 Oct 1923 - d. 30 Jun 1962)
STEVENS, Daniel Edward {I2099} (b. 16 Jan 1902 - d. 14 Aug 1976)
STEVENS, Daniel Kenney {I2122}
STEVENS, Daniel Nelson {I4295}
STEVENS, Derral Clark {I2106}
STEVENS, Elizabeth Amy {I6401}
Stevens, Elizabeth May {I8796}
STEVENS, Emma {I3679} (b. 2 Feb 1895 - d. 30 Apr 1976)
Stevens, Eva Beck {I2457}
STEVENS, Evan Clark {I6400}
STEVENS, Fern {I2102}
STEVENS, Grant Walter {I2115}
STEVENS, Harold Owen {I3408}
STEVENS, Horace Alvin {I484} (b. 18 May 1913 - d. 11 Mar 1989)
STEVENS, Hughbert {I6440}
STEVENS, James Edward {I7223}
STEVENS, Jane Louise {I4297} (b. 12 Mar 1966 - d. 11 Sep 1967)
STEVENS, Lonnie Orville {I2110} (b. 27 May 1931 - d. 30 Mar 1994)
STEVENS, Lue Ray {I6407}
STEVENS, Marjorie {I6405}
STEVENS, Marva Nell {I6408}
STEVENS, Mary Gwen {I2117}
STEVENS, Mr. {I12343} (b. ABT 1545)
STEVENS, Mrs. {I12344} (b. ABT 1549)
STEVENS, Nina {I927}
STEVENS, Norma {I6402}
STEVENS, Rebecca (Becky) {I3359} (b. 7 Feb 1885 - d. 11 Jan 1968)
Stevens, Rebecca Sybil {I5773}
STEVENS, Rhea {I7698}
STEVENS, Russell Roberts {I2120}
STEVENS, Sandra Jay {I2124}
STEVENS, Sarah {I9217} (b. ABT 1774 - d. BEF 1850)
Stevens, Simon {I5622}
STEVENS, Steve Alvin {I7700}
Stevens, Vivian {I7525}
STEVENS, Walter Joshua {I6393}
STEVENSON, Amie Marie {I1983}
STEVENSON, James Curtis {I1493}
Stevenson, LaRue {I8813}
Stevenson, Mary Ann {I7323}
Stevenson, William {I11190}
Stewart, {I1279}
Stewart, Clive Charles {I7013}
Stewart, David Ralph {I946}
Stewart, Donald Ray {I7016}
Stewart, Ella Dene {I7019}
Stewart, Elsie Ireta {I1285}
Stewart, Etta Cozier {I11437}
Stewart, Faye {I10840}
Stewart, Florence Carma {I9775}
Stewart, George {I9768} (b. 26 Oct 1887)
Stewart, George {I9747}
Stewart, Georgia {I9772}
Stewart, Gladys Kay {I7015}
Stewart, Harold Clive {I1324}
Stewart, Ila Rene {I7018}
Stewart, Karen Dawn {I7017}
Stewart, Linda Gay {I940}
Stewart, Lisa {I8062}
Stewart, McGretha {I9771}
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