Index for surnames beginning with c (Descendancy Pages)
[CONWAY, Clyda ] - [Cummins, Lucy ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Cadwallader, Brooke Marie ] - [Carter, Jess ]
[CARTER, Kami Michele ] - [CHRISTENSEN, Rasmus ]
[Christensen, Ray ] - [CONWAY, Cecil Marr ]
[CONWAY, Clyda ] - [Cummins, Lucy ]
[CUNNINGHAM, Amanda ] - [CURTIS, Ruel ]
CONWAY, Clyda {I3748}
Cook, Chloe {I7638}
Cook, Geniveve {I13716}
Cook, Grace {I9915}
Cook, James Hyrum {I7622}
Cook, Lydia Ann {I5050}
Cook, William Wiley {I345}
Cooley, Arvilla {I7520}
COOLEY, Joseph F. {I3987} (b. 24 Jul 1886 - d. 2 Feb 1944)
COOLEY, Osborn {I8665}
COOLEY, Shirley Marie {I8667}
Coon, Edith {I7686}
COOPER, Elizabeth Lucretia {I2325}
Cooper, Flora Jane {I8582}
COOPER, Roy {I2361} (b. <1881>)
CORBERT, Thomas {I12389} (b. ABT 1412)
CORBETT, Margaret {I12382} (b. ABT 1416)
Cordell, Mary {I10658}
Corder, Satira Jane {I10356} (b. 21 May 1897)
Corder, William Francis {I10354}
CORNELL, Richard {I12064} (b. 8 Jul 1624 - d. 11 Aug 1694)
CORNELL, Richard {I12077} (b. ABT 1598)
CORNELL, Sarah {I11804} (b. 20 Jun 1657)
CORNISH, George {I8579}
CORNISH, George Oliver {I522}
CORNISH, John Albert {I7713}
CORNISH, John Lewyn {I3492}
Cosbey, Husie Franklin {I7067}
Cosbey, Husie Franklin {I1419}
Cotta, John {I7501}
COTTAM, Alvin Cecil {I2109}
COTTAM, Charles Walter {I6458}
Cottam, Lottie {I6149}
Cotterell, {I9307}
Cottingham, Nonine Rae {I3632}
Cottingham, Ray {I3637}
COTTRELL, Irene Macaulay {I5333}
Coughie, Dolores Elizabeth {I6243}
Coughie, Harry {I6244}
Coult, Charles Alma {I7447}
COULT, June Laura {I50} (b. 10 Jun 1910 - d. 13 Dec 1986)
Coult, Laura June {I7446}
Covert, Calesta {I7623}
Covington, Jeane {I8115}
Covington, Oserel Bowers {I977}
Covington, Readele {I8121}
COX, Almer Bingley {I32} (b. 2 Apr 1844 - d. 4 May 1929)
Cox, Della Mae {I5863}
COX, Edward Eugene {I5857}
COX, Elias {I6923}
COX, Elias Marion {I891}
COX, Ella Margaret {I863} (b. 30 May 1908 - d. 28 Aug 1989)
Cox, Hendricks {I492}
COX, Ive {I840}
COX, Lela {I914}
COX, Margaret Blanche {I1226} (b. 17 Nov 1892 - d. 15 Apr 1991)
COX, Mary Elaine {I2973}
COX, Mervin Edgar {I861} (b. 12 Jan 1907 - d. 3 Jun 1987)
COX, Nadine {I14316}
COX, Nadine {I14100}
COX, Neldon W. {I911} (b. 24 Aug 1918 - d. 26 Oct 1961)
COX, Orville Sutherland {I9291}
Cox, Oscar {I10272}
COX, Pearl {I917}
COX, Sarah Elizabeth {I925} (b. 12 Mar 1888 - d. 13 Jun 1992)
COX, Theressa Elnora (Leanora) {I218} (b. 25 Dec 1860 - d. 29 Jul 1926)
COX, Velva {I909}
COX, William Edgar {I839} (b. 5 Sep 1884 - d. 19 Jun 1969)
Cram, Ruth {I8092}
Crandall, Julia Euzell {I6014}
Creason, Elizabeth Tilden {I7714}
Crisswell, Palma Rossaleen {I5872}
Croman, Ben {I9401}
Cropper, Isma {I9169}
CROUCH, Orson Edwin {I8346}
CROUCH, Raymond Calvin {I789}
Crout, Marguerite {I3387}
Crow, Virginia Eloise {I291}
CROW, William Roy {I5293}
Crowder, Bailey P. {I8282}
Crowder, Henry {I8283}
Crowe, Mary {I11184}
Crowton, Cheryl Ann {I14048}
Crowton, Cheryl Ann {I14264}
CROXFORD, Ernest Oliver {I2291}
CROXFORD, Gladys {I2292} (b. 3 Jan 1894)
Cummings, Edwin Thomas {I2745}
Cummings, Lloyd Allen {I7153}
Cummings, Lois I. {I1547}
CUMMINGS, Merle Robert {I1553} (b. 20 Mar 1915 - d. 14 Aug 1987)
Cummins, Ann Jeanettie {I10162} (b. 5 Oct 1865 - d. 19 Jun 1942)
Cummins, John {I10163}
Cummins, Lucy {I10286}
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