Index for surnames beginning with n (Descendancy Pages)
[Naegle, Carrol ] - [NELSON, Karen Joy ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER)[Naegle, Glenn ] - [NELSON, Ida ]
[NELSON, Marion Lee ] - [Norwood, Mary Milinda ]
[Nuttal, Mary Arletta ] - [NYBORG, Vonda Jean ]
Naegle, Glenn {I5040}
Naegle, Parley {I6070}
Nail, Loyd {I8431}
Nash, {I7047}
Nash, Roy {I6367} (b. 8/4/19__)
NASH, Vera {I1343} (b. <1887>)
Nasse, John "Owldrick" {I13613} (b. ABT 1736)
Nathan, Sylvia {I7103}
Nay, Lindsey Jane {I13811}
NAYLOR, Robert Lawrence {I5502}
NAZER, Eleanor {I1526}
Nebel, Parley Lawrence {I6250}
Nees, Allison Elizabeth {I6027}
Nees, Andrew Jackson {I13052} (b. 31 Aug 1832 - d. 11 Oct 1903)
Nees, Catherine Marie {I13569}
Nees, Clarence {I13353} (b. 14 Sep 1899 - d. 9 Jan 1960)
Nees, Clarence Joni {I13577}
Nees, Dale (Bud) {I13583}
Nees, Dean Roger {I6111}
Nees, Ehrmel Elzoo {I13334} (b. 6 Apr 1911 - d. 13 Jul 1968)
Nees, Elzoo Wilburn {I8677} (b. 21 Oct 1875 - d. 23 May 1950)
Nees, Gary Ehrmel {I13359}
Nees, George W. {I13071} (b. 1830)
Nees, Harlan Roscoe {I13475} (b. 28 Dec 1915 - d. 12 Oct 1967)
Nees, Helen Lorene {I13568}
Nees, Henry H. {I11718} (b. 1846)
Nees, John Harrison {I12997} (b. 10 Sep 1836 - d. 9 Mar 1919)
Nees, Judy Lynn {I13548}
Nees, Lawrence Gifford {I13331} (b. 11 Dec 1878 - d. 6 Oct 1954)
Nees, Lawrence Guy {I13602}
Nees, Louisa {I12981} (b. 1842)
Nees, Lynn Wilson {I13213}
Nees, Mary Ann {I13100} (b. 27 Mar 1811 - d. 2 Apr 1885)
Nees, Mary Mabel {I13676}
Nees, Michael {I13356} (b. 12 Sep 1779 - d. 23 Mar 1849)
Nees, Mildred June {I13671}
Nees, Pat Allen {I13297}
Nees, Robert Harding (Bob) {I13591}
Nees, Robert Perdue {I13679} (b. 1905 - d. 27 Dec 1980)
Nees, Rochelle Wynette {I13742}
Nees, Ruth Faye {I13355} (b. 16 Oct 1904 - d. 11 Aug 1986)
Nees, Sally or Sarah A. {I12787} (b. 1844)
Nees, Theodore Harold {I13605}
Nees, Theodore Hermann {I6573} (b. 17 Jan 1872 - d. 29 Jun 1946)
Nees, Thomas Newton {I13396} (b. 3 Aug 1848 - d. 12 Mar 1930)
Neese, Adam {I13148} (b. 29 May 1808 - d. 10 Dec 1850)
Neese, Anna {I9009}
Neese, John {I13372} (b. ABT 1780 - d. AFT 1850)
Negri, Josephine {I6512}
Nehs, Matthias Sr. {I13611} (b. ABT 1673)
Neier, Mary {I13399}
Neighty, Ostella {I9313}
Neil, Marilyn Irene {I9913}
Neil, Othie {I9914}
Neilson, Freeman Lavon {I8723}
Neilson, Lydia {I7079}
Neilson, Margaret {I8762}
Nelson, Andrew Valentine {I8399}
NELSON, Ardyth {I3580}
NELSON, Claudia {I3829}
NELSON, Donavon Sanders {I3664}
NELSON, Emil Vance {I3572}
NELSON, Gertrude {I669}
Nelson, Hazel {I6350}
NELSON, Helen Millie {I3638}
NELSON, Hyrum {I8613}
NELSON, Hyrum Vance {I3551} (b. 8 Jan 1887 - d. 15 May 1984)
NELSON, Ida {I3587}
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