Index for surnames beginning with m (Descendancy Pages)
[Maas, John Samuel ] - [MATTHEWS, Freelove ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER)[Maas, John Samuel ] - [MATTHEWS, Darrell Leroy ]
[MATTHEWS, Janet Kit ] - [MERRELL, Irene ]
[Merrill, Blanch ] - [Monson, James Clark ]
[Montgomery, Cal ] - [MYTTON, Joan ]
[MYTTON, William ] - [MYTTON, William ]
Maas, John Samuel {I6417}
Maas, Samuel Herman {I6418}
MACDONALD, Ruby Karen {I4676}
Mace, Evelyn Ruth {I1168}
Mace, Leonard {I13313}
MacLaren, James Earl {I11631}
MacLaren, James Earl {I11628}
MacLaren, James Earl {I13370}
Macrill, Narcissa {I10129}
Maddock, Annie {I7084}
MADSEN, Eris {I13780}
Madsen, Lynn {I7792}
MADSEN, Mads {I11383} (d. 18 Mar 1787)
Madsen, Paul Kenneth {I13519}
MADSEN, Rasmus {I11359} (b. 25 Mar 1766 - d. 5 Apr 1829)
Maes, Carlos Leon {I14207}
Maes, Holly Katherine {I14210}
Maes, Pete F. {I14206}
MAHON, Carl Lawrence {I491}
Malone, John {I9319}
Malone, Vida {I9321} (b. 27 Feb 1881)
Malone, William {I9318} (b. 11 Jan 1849 - d. 28 Feb 1928)
Maloney, Daniel Joseph {I9046}
Maloney, Daniel Joseph {I9045}
MALTBIE, John {I12833} (b. 1559)
MALTBIE, John {I12835} (b. 1528)
MALTBY, Isabella {I12820} (b. 1586 - d. 12 Feb 1661)
MALTBY, Mrs John {I12819} (b. ABT 1560)
Maness, Naomi Alice {I7921}
MANGUM, Carl Byron {I4140}
MANGUM, Edward {I5992}
MANGUM, Mary Darles {I637} (b. 29 Apr 1907 - d. 25 Sep 1966)
MANGUM, Mary Ella {I3919} (b. 22 Jan 1898 - d. 30 Oct 1979)
MANGUM, Nuttin {I7807}
Mangum, William Harvey {I10794}
Mann, Nancy {I7059}
Manning, Corinne {I10296}
Manson, Amelia {I8815}
Manwaring, Sarah Ellen {I6459}
Mar, {I11168}
Marbel, Henry Jessie {I9108}
Marchant, Celena Marinda {I9853} (b. 8 Jun 1881)
Marchant, John {I9854}
MARONEY, Idis Edward {I5221}
MARONEY, Idis Felton {I5220} (b. 20 Dec 1903 - d. 7 Mar 1969)
MARONEY, Zeb Watson {I8995}
Marsh, Margaret {I6810}
Marsh, Mary {I8601}
MARSHALL, Elmer {I6021}
MARSHALL, Isabel {I12511} (b. 1522)
Marshall, Jesse {I8305}
Marshall, Lenna {I8304} (b. 11 Feb 1933 - d. 20 Oct 1955)
Marshall, Mildred {I6746}
MARSHALL, Phyllis {I3929}
MARTIN, Ada Linda {I701}
Martin, Arnold {I9419} (b. 10 Mar 1845 - d. 1898)
Martin, Arnold {I13181} (b. 29 Mar 1870 - d. 20 May 1919)
Martin, Brooke Suzanne {I13795}
MARTIN, Elizabeth {I13029} (b. 1794)
Martin, Friedrich {I13646} (b. 1 Jan 1785 - d. 1862)
Martin, Friedrich {I13670} (b. 27 Nov 1822 - d. 1887)
Martin, Friedrich {I13643} (b. 2 Jun 1717 - d. 1795)
Martin, Gaylord C. {I8764}
Martin, Gerald Guy {I8763}
Martin, Hans Jacob {I13692} (b. ABT 1690)
Martin, Jack {I6326}
Martin, Jacob {I13637} (b. 27 Mar 1752 - d. 1794)
Martin, Margaret {I10247}
Martin, Marguerite Elizabeth {I13378}
Martin, Mary Margaret {I5780}
Martin, Paul Omer {I6961}
Martin, Roland Lionel {I6960}
Mascho, Iva {I11234}
Mashburn, Ellen Tleitha {I8996}
Matern, Adolph Aurther {I8194}
Matern, Dwayne {I8193}
MATHESON, Dwyne {I8174}
MATHESON, Roger Walker {I1051}
Mathews, Kathryn Norma {I6538}
Mathews, Philip S. {I6539}
Mathias, Martha Jane {I6680}
MATTHEWS, Ananias {I11845} (b. 1725/1730 - d. 22 Jan 1800)
MATTHEWS, Darrell Leroy {I2580}
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