Index for surnames beginning with c (Descendancy Pages)
[Cadwallader, Brooke Marie ] - [CARTER, Jessica May ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER)[Cadwallader, Brooke Marie ] - [Carter, Jess ]
[CARTER, Kami Michele ] - [CHRISTENSEN, Rasmus ]
[Christensen, Ray ] - [CONWAY, Cecil Marr ]
[CONWAY, Clyda ] - [Cummins, Lucy ]
[CUNNINGHAM, Amanda ] - [CURTIS, Ruel ]
Cadwallader, Brooke Marie {I2573}
cady, {I14189}
Cain, Albert Vern {I5747}
Cain, Ashlee {I14004}
Cain, Gertrude Beryl {I5746}
Caldwell, Blanch {I8244}
Calhoon, Colleen {I5366}
Calhoon, Maloy {I9168}
Calkins, Emily Jean {I13494}
CALL, Elton Davids {I2215}
CALL, Israel Owen {I6614}
Callens, Allie Fern {I5748}
Calvert, Janet Caroline {I9994}
CAMPBELL, Donald Goulding {I846} (b. 17 Aug 1925 - d. 18 Jun 1972)
Campbell, Dorothy Jeanne {I7878}
CAMPBELL, Hyrum Alma {I417}
Campbell, James Thomas {I7879}
CAMPBELL, Joyce {I419}
CAMPBELL, Lewis Orlan {I8071}
Candelaria, Joe {I14486}
Cannon, Clara {I8650}
Cano, Edmund Edward {I13743}
Capasso, Antoinette {I10058}
Capps, Berry Ellsworth {I2799}
Capps, Earl Clyde {I2790}
Capps, Walter Wayne {I2791}
Carder, Ida {I6973}
Cardon, Minnie {I6078}
Carlin, Ruth Ann {I1447}
Carling, Miriam Adelia {I9182}
CARLSDOTTER, Ingrid {I11524}
CARLSDOTTER, Lena {I11522}
CARLSEN, Niels Christian {I11327} (d. 23 Jan 1875)
Carlson, Dorothy Wilhemina {I8315}
CARLSON, Duane "A" {I3844}
CARLSON, Per {I11548}
Carlson, Rudy {I11233}
Carlson, Virginia Lee {I11217}
Carlton, Harriet Ellen {I6792}
Carnes, Minnie {I9120}
Carothers, Gerald Melvin {I1370}
CARPENTER, Kathleen {I1070}
CARPENTER, Lloyd Walter {I1066}
CARPENTER, Walter Stilley {I1065} (b. 29 Oct 1894 - d. 5 Jan 1968)
Carr, Sarah Elizabeth {I7482}
Carras, Angel {I7787}
Carras, Anna Mae {I586}
CARROLL, Alice {I1623} (b. 21 Aug 1921 - d. 7 Nov 1980)
CARROLL, Aurelia {I1595}
CARROLL, Charles Thomas {I5426}
CARROLL, Charley Black {I1611} (b. 20 Oct 1919 - d. 15 Sep 1955)
CARROLL, Dean Dorian {I5413}
CARROLL, Donald Wayne {I5404}
CARROLL, Donna {I5371}
CARROLL, Dorothy Jeanne {I5386}
Carroll, Elizabeth {I6089}
CARROLL, Elizabeth {I305}
CARROLL, ElRae {I5436}
CARROLL, Ernest Le Roi {I5393}
CARROLL, Ernest Leroi {I5384} (b. 3 Jun 1901 - d. 5 Jan 1986)
CARROLL, Evan Henry {I5434} (b. 24 Sep 1905 - d. 11 Nov 1991)
CARROLL, Ferron Black {I1591} (b. 3 Sep 1915 - d. 12 May 1965)
CARROLL, George Heber Moulton {I1588} (b. 26 Feb 1894 - d. 1 Jul 1980)
CARROLL, Heber Black {I1589} (b. 5 Aug 1913 - d. 10 Oct 1974)
CARROLL, James Franklin {I296}
CARROLL, James Franklin {I5359} (b. 3 Mar 1870 - d. 23 Feb 1959)
Carroll, James Phillip {I5517}
CARROLL, Klair Black {I1625}
CARROLL, Kline B. {I5515} (b. 3 Feb 1916 - d. 7 Dec 1946)
CARROLL, LeAnn {I5442}
CARROLL, Linda Sue {I5481}
Carroll, Lucy {I6797}
CARROLL, Mabel {I5490} (b. 11 May 1911 - d. 26 Dec 1991)
CARROLL, Marinda Dollie {I5512} (b. 8 Jun 1914 - d. 13 Jun 1993)
CARROLL, Mayo Eugene {I5365}
CARROLL, Mayo Lavell {I5363} (b. 31 Jan 1899 - d. 17 Nov 1982)
CARROLL, Norman Keith {I5367}
CARROLL, Patricia {I5458}
Carroll, Sandra Dian {I5533}
Carroll, Sarah E. {I9190}
CARROLL, Thomas Moulton {I5541} (b. 27 Oct 1874 - d. 13 Aug 1958)
CARROLL, Wallace Wesley {I5466}
CARROLL, Wayne Earl {I5464} (b. 3 May 1908 - d. 20 Feb 1993)
CARROLL, Willard {I5310}
CARROLL, William Kline {I5526}
CARSON, Dannalee {I14107}
CARSON, Roger Dan {I14324}
CARSON, Roger Dan {I14108}
CARTER, Calvin Wesley {I1484}
Carter, Edna Mildred {I13592} (b. 17 Apr 1920 - d. 30 Apr 1982)
Carter, Helen {I1182}
Carter, Jess {I8986}
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