Index for surnames beginning with b (Descendancy Pages)
[Black, Reed Fred ] - [BLACK, Vilate ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [BABCOCK, George Dewey ] - [Barnard, Ralph ]
[BARNHART, Roberta Jean ] - [Billings, James Samuel ]
[BILLINGS, Linda Joyce ] - [BLACK, Bertha May ]
[BLACK, Beth ] - [BLACK, Dixie Ruth ]
[BLACK, Don J. ] - [BLACK, Gus Porter ]
[BLACK, Gwen Bernice ] - [BLACK, Kathryn Mary ]
[BLACK, Keith ] - [BLACK, Martin Luther ]
[BLACK, Martin Luther ] - [BLACK, Raymond Merle ]
[BLACK, Renee ] - [BLACK, Vilate ]
[Black, Virginia Judith ] - [BOWLINGE, Frances ]
[BOWLINGE, Mrs Elizabeth ] - [BROWN, Harold Ray ]
[BROWN, Harvey Hyrum ] - [BUNNELL, Elvin Wayne ]
[Bunnell, Linda Joy ] - [Byers, William Franklin ]
BLACK, Renee {I4555}
BLACK, Reta {I4892}
Black, Reva {I2394} (b. 2 Jun 1912 - d. 9 Jun 1992)
BLACK, Reva Mary {I4784}
BLACK, Rex Joy {I7877}
BLACK, Rhoda {I4713} (b. 7 Apr 1914 - d. 21 Mar 1994)
BLACK, Rhoda {I9226} (b. 26 Apr 1804)
BLACK, Rial {I1029} (b. 24 Dec 1896 - d. 14 Sep 1952)
BLACK, Rial Alden {I1031}
BLACK, Richard H. {I10144}
BLACK, Richard James {I10170}
BLACK, Richard Ross {I2316}
BLACK, Rita Noreen {I776}
BLACK, Robert Glen {I9460}
BLACK, Robert Maxwell {I2372} (b. 1 Sep 1920 - d. 17 Feb 1953)
BLACK, Roland Hall {I4875}
BLACK, Ronald Ervin {I348}
BLACK, Roscoe {I8211}
BLACK, Rose {I1320} (b. 30 May 1918 - d. 20 Dec 1994)
BLACK, Roxie {I1314}
BLACK, Roy Edward {I5183}
BLACK, Rulon {I8364}
BLACK, Runae {I4688}
BLACK, Ryan William {I5575}
BLACK, Samuel {I9219} (b. 1808 - d. AFT 1860)
BLACK, Samuel Ether {I712} (b. 22 Dec 1889 - d. 24 Dec 1945)
Black, Sarah Amelia {I2053} (b. 13 Jul 1854 - d. 1 Feb 1950)
BLACK, Sarah Ann {I9205} (b. 15 Feb 1822 - d. 9 Oct 1915)
BLACK, Sarah Cathern {I9535} (b. 18 Sep 1877)
BLACK, Seymour Charles {I5868}
Black, Seymour Pratt {I2532} (b. 14 Oct 1897 - d. 24 Mar 1945)
BLACK, Sharlet {I457}
BLACK, Sherilyn Denice {I2400}
BLACK, Sherling Allen {I826}
BLACK, Shirley {I2497}
BLACK, Shirley Colleen {I7317}
BLACK, Stanley Glen {I7320}
BLACK, Stanley Warren {I10266} (b. 15 Sep 1905 - d. 9 Mar 1958)
BLACK, Stanley Warren {I10260} (b. 10 Jan 1876)
BLACK, Stephanie {I13891}
BLACK, Steven Charles {I13516}
BLACK, Steven Rey {I5334}
BLACK, Susan {I5349}
BLACK, Susan Ardell {I1374}
BLACK, Susan Gay {I2406}
BLACK, Susan Joy {I1517}
BLACK, Suzanna {I5643}
Black, Sylva Janeal {I2536}
BLACK, Sylvia Ruth {I396} (b. 26 Nov 1920 - d. 20 Jun 1982)
Black, Tamar Jane {I1768} (b. 1 May 1852 - d. 31 Jul 1915)
Black, Terah Lee {I2502} (b. 25 Dec 1894 - d. 6 Apr 1957)
BLACK, Teresa {I5644}
BLACK, Theda Mae {I4308} (b. 22 Apr 1894 - d. 21 Jul 1974)
BLACK, Thell De Lynn {I1359}
BLACK, Thelma {I1312} (b. 25 Mar 1912 - d. 20 Sep 1986)
Black, Thomas Alan {I7299}
BLACK, Thomas Alan {I5339}
Black, Thomas Burgess {I518}
BLACK, Thomas Robert {I5574}
BLACK, Thomas W. {I10139}
BLACK, Thora {I4440}
BLACK, Troy Dix {I4426}
BLACK, Ula {I468}
BLACK, Valera Louise {I8542}
BLACK, Verdell D. {I7031}
BLACK, Verl Grant {I1205}
BLACK, Vern Lloyd {I1190}
BLACK, Vernon Alvin {I943}
BLACK, Viate {I1220} (b. 18 Sep 1884 - d. 28 Sep 1909)
BLACK, Victor Lee {I7} (b. 29 Jan 1872 - d. 21 Sep 1936)
BLACK, Vilate {I439} (b. 15 Sep 1884 - d. 28 Sep 1909)
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