Index for surnames beginning with b (Descendancy Pages)
[BUNNELL, Laurie Jo ] - [Byers, William Franklin ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [BABCOCK, George Dewey ] - [Barnard, Ralph ]
[BARNHART, Roberta Jean ] - [Billings, James Samuel ]
[BILLINGS, Linda Joyce ] - [BLACK, Bertha May ]
[BLACK, Beth ] - [BLACK, Dixie Ruth ]
[BLACK, Don J. ] - [BLACK, Gus Porter ]
[BLACK, Gwen Bernice ] - [BLACK, Kathryn Mary ]
[BLACK, Keith ] - [BLACK, Martin Luther ]
[BLACK, Martin Luther ] - [BLACK, Raymond Merle ]
[BLACK, Renee ] - [BLACK, Vilate ]
[Black, Virginia Judith ] - [BOWLINGE, Frances ]
[BOWLINGE, Mrs Elizabeth ] - [BROWN, Harold Ray ]
[BROWN, Harvey Hyrum ] - [BUNNELL, Elvin Wayne ]
[Bunnell, Linda Joy ] - [Byers, William Franklin ]
Bunnell, Linda Joy {I13781}
BUNNELL, Ralph Sherman {I2874}
Burbank, Laura {I2357}
Burch, Vern {I7263}
Burcky, Nonine {I8622}
BURGE, Charles Oglesby {I8851}
BURGE, Hilma Elizabeth {I4943}
Burgess, Cassie Viola {I11094} (b. 25 Dec 1883 - d. 16 Aug 1925)
BURGESS, Clive Milton {I3765}
Burgess, Elma Loretta (Laura) {I11093} (b. 5 Mar 1879 - d. 30 Apr 1916)
Burgess, Elsie Viola {I11057}
BURGESS, James {I11152} (b. Abt. 1793)
Burgess, James {I13087}
BURGESS, Joseph M. {I11089} (b. 29 Sep 1854 - d. 23 Oct 1906)
BURGESS, Lillian Belle {I11064} (b. 24 Mar 1893 - d. 5 Nov 1977)
Burgess, Lynda Kay {I11202}
Burgess, Marylee Carolyn {I11176}
BURGESS, Milton {I3749}
Burgess, Noletta Fern {I11054}
Burgess, Norman William {I11137} (b. 2 Aug 1910 - d. 20 Jun 1984)
BURGESS, Thomas Robert {I11103} (b. 1 Sep 1819 - d. 29 Oct 1884)
Burgess, Thomas Robert {I13128}
Burgess, William Henry {I10488} (b. 10 May 1881 - d. 5 Jul 1939)
Burgess, William John {I2135}
Burlson, Elizabeth {I9069}
Burnett, Virgil Odis {I6587}
Burnett, Zua Mae {I6586}
Burnholt, Darlene {I817}
Burnholt, Henry William {I8038}
Burns, Gus Warner {I9359} (b. 27 Jul 1890)
Burns, John N. {I9360}
BURNS, Judith {I12862} (b. ABT 1627)
Burr, Anna Florine {I1653}
Burr, Charles Arthur {I7231}
Burrell, Annie {I292}
BURROUGHS, Mabel {I12274} (b. ABT 1617 - d. 1673)
BURROUGHS, Mrs William {I12286} (b. ABT 1595)
BURROUGHS, William {I12285} (b. 1591)
BURROWS, Carl E. {I7797}
BURROWS, Elizabeth {I12913} (b. ABT 1606)
BURROWS, Neola {I590}
BURTCHER, Edith Ellen {I2796}
BURTENSHAW, Horace Ralph {I3278} (b. 28 Feb 1914 - d. 13 May 1974)
BURTENSHAW, Horace Ralph {I6166}
BURTON, D. {I12504} (b. ABT 1444)
BURTON, Joan {I12497} (b. ABT 1470 - d. AFT 1520)
Burton, Joyce {I10422}
BURTON, Mrs-D. {I12505} (b. ABT 1448)
Bushman, Maran Adele {I9191}
Busk, Nelda {I5596}
Butcher, Beatrice May {I8580}
BUTIKOFER, Preston Hyrum {I2256}
BUTIKOFER, R. A. {I6623}
Butler, Amy Valine {I5200}
Butler, Eva Juanita {I6239}
Butler, Jeffrey Dale {I13844}
Butler, Jenny Lynn {I13863}
BUTLER, John {I12250} (b. 1550)
BUTLER, Mary {I12001} (b. 1635 - d. 12 Sep 1689)
BUTLER, Mr. {I12293} (b. ABT 1544)
BUTLER, Mrs Steven {I12046} (b. ABT 1578 - d. 1662)
BUTLER, Mrs-John {I12321} (b. ABT 1554)
BUTLER, Mrs. {I12294} (b. ABT 1548)
BUTLER, Richard {I12034} (b. 1608 - d. 6 Aug 1684)
BUTLER, Stephen {I12045} (b. 1580)
Butt, Harold {I5500}
Butt, Sharon Elizabeth {I5496}
Butte, Joseph William {I6311}
Butte, Lyndon David {I6310}
Bye, Juanita {I10192}
Byers, Fern Irene {I5257}
Byers, William Franklin {I9008}
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