Index for surnames beginning with s (Descendancy Pages)
[Sherry, Catherine Viviene ] - [Slye, Owen Warner ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Sailor, Matietta ] - [Sherman, Walter Robert ]
[Sherry, Catherine Viviene ] - [Slye, Nicholous Mack ]
[SLYNY, ] - [Soulier, Sharee ]
[Spafford, Azalia Marilla ] - [Stewart, Harold Clive ]
[Stewart, Nancy Lavina ] - [Summers, Edward Vaughn ]
[Summers, Robert Warren ] - [S²rensen, Jens ]
Sherry, Catherine Viviene {I11201}
SHIPLEY, Floyd Elmer {I5513} (b. 3 Dec 1913 - d. 9 Apr 1984)
SHIPLEY, James {I9197}
Shirley, LeAnne {I13526}
Shols, Doris {I10145}
Shols, Ezra {I10146}
Short, Daniel Boone {I9385}
Short, George Ernest {I9389}
Short, George Henry {I9384} (b. 6 Sep 1881 - d. 9 Mar 1916)
Short, Zelma {I9396}
SHORTS, Brian Kent {I14419}
Shotwell, Margaret {I13340}
SHUMWAY, Clea {I224}
SHUMWAY, Dean Carroll {I5495} (b. 22 Aug 1938 - d. 10 Dec 1987)
SHUMWAY, Gilbert Sixtus {I1439} (b. 10 Mar 1913 - d. 17 Oct 1974)
SHUMWAY, Glen Alden {I4911}
SHUMWAY, Grant Lee {I5491} (b. 28 Feb 1906 - d. 23 Dec 1987)
SHUMWAY, Ila {I2899}
SHUMWAY, Jessie Glen {I1417} (b. 15 May 1908 - d. 8 Nov 1992)
SHUMWAY, Joseph Sixtus {I7075}
Shumway, Leland Oliver {I730}
Shumway, Mary Elsie {I494}
SHUMWAY, Mary Lee {I5501}
SHUMWAY, Mavis Claire {I1418}
SHUMWAY, Peter Minnerly {I7065}
SHUMWAY, Seth {I7524}
SHUPE, Walter Allen {I2721}
Shurtz, Maude {I9112}
Silverman, Sarah Elizabeth {I6119}
Silvers, {I5910}
Simmons, Anne E. {I9410}
Simmons, Boneta LaVerne {I8184}
Simmons, Charles Ivan {I8182}
Simmons, J. E. {I10300}
Simmons, Jess {I10643}
Simmons, Margaret Joan {I8192}
Simmons, Mary {I10299}
Simmons, Vern Williams {I8181}
Simons, Florence May {I4629}
Simons, Michelle {I13771}
Simons, Orrie J. {I4619}
Simons, Shawn Robert {I13900}
SIMPER, Donald Robert {I910}
SIMPER, Thomas Robert {I8093}
SIMPSON, Harriett Hannah {I3217}
Simpson, Laura {I9453}
Simpson, Marcus {I14179}
Sindelar, Laura Ann {I14167}
Singeysen, Elisabeth {I13693}
Singleton, James {I9835}
SIPE, Asbury Berland {I8654}
SIPE, Carrie May {I3791}
SIPE, Charles Luther {I3789} (b. 8 Aug 1898 - d. 30 Jun 1983)
SIPE, Jennie Lee {I3802}
SIPE, Martin Allen {I3827}
SIPE, Raymond Luther {I3816}
Sitterud, Emeline {I5858}
Skinner, Alfred James {I4006}
SKINNER, Earnest Morgan {I14416}
SKINNER, Glenn {I3467}
SKINNER, Moroni {I8569}
Skousen, Angus Phileman {I3097}
Skousen, Donna {I3096}
Skousen, Polly Melvina {I8566}
SKULDT, Cory {I14376}
Slack, Gary Adams {I14057}
Slack, Robert Adams {I14274}
Slack, Robert Adams {I14058}
Slade, Benjamin {I2071}
SLADE, James Clarence {I2152}
Slade, Marvin Medford {I2070}
Slade, William Franklin {I11694}
SLAUGH, Ivan Richard {I2074}
Sleater, Albert Raymond {I7467}
Sleater, Helen Emily {I7466}
SLOAN, George Guthrie {I8565}
SLOAN, Ruth {I3447}
Sloane, Dorothy {I10332} (b. 14 Feb 1890)
Sly, Clint Lee {I6972}
Sly, Ira Clinton {I1294}
Slye, Jeffery Todd {I13474}
Slye, Jennifer {I10412}
Slye, Mack Amos {I2395}
Slye, Mack Charles {I13539}
Slye, Michael Jason {I13472}
Slye, Nicholous Mack {I13466}
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