Index for surnames beginning with s (Descendancy Pages)
[Slye, Peyton Leeanne ] - [Soulier, Sharee ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Sailor, Matietta ] - [Sherman, Walter Robert ]
[Sherry, Catherine Viviene ] - [Slye, Nicholous Mack ]
[SLYNY, ] - [Soulier, Sharee ]
[Spafford, Azalia Marilla ] - [Stewart, Harold Clive ]
[Stewart, Nancy Lavina ] - [Summers, Edward Vaughn ]
[Summers, Robert Warren ] - [S²rensen, Jens ]
SLYNY, {I12576} (b. ABT 1493)
Smiddy, Tylise Marie {I13794}
SMIT, Severt {I12404} (b. ABT 1613)
Smith, Alice {I9437}
SMITH, Alma {I8793}
Smith, Alta {I6687}
Smith, Anna Belle {I8827}
Smith, Annie Mae {I6998}
Smith, Beatrice {I8657}
Smith, Belva Louise {I9144}
Smith, Claude B. {I6281}
SMITH, Cora Sophia {I2936} (b. 3 Mar 1891 - d. Oct 1967)
Smith, Curtis Elmer {I7335}
SMITH, Don Ellis {I628}
Smith, Edward G. {I13223} (b. 12 Jan 1860 - d. 17 Jul 1925)
Smith, Emily Josephine {I9802} (d. 11 Sep 1951)
Smith, Farrest Grant {I1274}
Smith, Farrest Grant {I6949}
SMITH, Gaylene {I14115}
SMITH, Gaylene {I14331}
Smith, George {I9143}
SMITH, Grant Evan {I4705} (b. 18 May 1938 - d. 22 Apr 1967)
SMITH, James {I7803}
SMITH, Jo Marie {I14453}
Smith, John Edward {I6422}
Smith, John Henry {I3995}
SMITH, John W. {I7196}
Smith, Joseph {I13428} (b. 1834)
SMITH, Joseph William {I626} (b. 11 May 1891 - d. 5 May 1978)
Smith, Martha Jane {I9808} (b. 28 Oct 1882 - d. 1944)
Smith, Marvin A. {I2942}
Smith, Mary {I5542}
Smith, Mattie Bell {I6903}
SMITH, Nicholas {I12393} (b. 1600)
Smith, Oliver Thomas {I9801} (b. 27 Apr 1858)
Smith, Orson Junius {I4750}
Smith, Pearl Violet {I5638} (b. 3 Jan 1897 - d. 24 Sep 1978)
Smith, Peggy {I653}
Smith, Rebecca Naomi {I13508}
Smith, Robin {I13999}
SMITH, Roy Alexis {I2132}
Smith, Susie Janette {I7245}
SMITH, Thelma {I5364} (b. 3 Nov 1905 - d. 6 Apr 1969)
Smith, Tillie Katherine {I8866}
Smith, Walter Harold {I10567}
Smith, Wayland P. {I6423}
SMITH, William H. P. {I2034}
Smith, Woodrow {I4766}
SMITH OR SEVENSMITH, Sarah {I11870} (b. 19 Jul 1672 - d. 1710)
Snead, Maude Evan {I8790}
Snow, Clinton N. {I8205}
Snow, Merlin {I8204}
SNOY, Brooke Marie {I14385}
SNOY, Deanne Lynn {I14386}
SNOY, Monica Lee {I14384}
SNOY, Phillip Jeffrey {I14383}
Snyder, Alice Jane {I9232}
Snyder, Jack Kenneth {I10015}
Sobczyk, Stanley {I13419}
Sobczyk, Theodore {I13369}
Sobczyk, Theodore {I13418}
SOBER, August {I1371}
SOBER, Duke D. {I1372} (b. 1 Jan 1909 - d. 20 Aug 1969)
Sokolowsky, MaryAnn {I13880}
SOLOMON, Christopher Allen {I14403}
SORENSEN, Christiane {I11328} (d. 15 Oct 1886)
Sorensen, Douglas Quayne {I8583}
SORENSEN, Gregers {I11505}
SORENSEN, James Martin Lund {I5681}
Sorensen, John Brigham {I3501}
Sorensen, John Raymond {I3500}
Sorensen, Josephine {I7218}
Sorensen, Kathryn {I825}
Sorensen, Otto J. {I8050}
Sorenson, Elmira {I6711}
Sorenson, James Fredrick {I7494}
Sorenson, Joan Lenna {I7500}
SORENSON, Lee Ray {I2562} (b. 29 May 1901 - d. 1991)
Sorenson, Lois {I13866}
SORENSON, Louise {I2583}
Sorenson, Mary {I7788}
SORENSON, Mary Colleen {I2566}
SORENSON, Palma {I2585}
SORENSON, Rae Onda {I2564}
Sorrells, Fred L. {I9145}
Sorrells, Fred L. {I9146}
Souers, George {I9353}
Souers, William Fitch {I9352} (b. 22 Jun 1888)
Soulier, Sharee {I2572}
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