Index for surnames beginning with s (Descendancy Pages)
[Stewart, Nancy Lavina ] - [Summers, Marc Kasay ]
For privacy reasons, Date of Birth and Date of Marriage for persons believed to still be living are not shown.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z (NONE/OTHER) [Sailor, Matietta ] - [Sherman, Walter Robert ]
[Sherry, Catherine Viviene ] - [Slye, Nicholous Mack ]
[SLYNY, ] - [Soulier, Sharee ]
[Spafford, Azalia Marilla ] - [Stewart, Harold Clive ]
[Stewart, Nancy Lavina ] - [Summers, Edward Vaughn ]
[Summers, Robert Warren ] - [S²rensen, Jens ]
Stewart, Nancy Lavina {I9746} (b. 18 Dec 1895)
Stewart, Ruth {I8753}
Stewart, Sarah Myrtle {I13752}
STILES, Susan Proctor {I5146}
Stilson, Harriet Armita {I8291}
Stivers, Callista {I9320}
Stivers, Ella Hazel {I6086}
Stoddard, Martha Elizabeth {I8231}
Stoddard, Mary Ellen {I10026}
Stoker, Evaline {I9369}
STOKES, Alice Lucile {I112} (b. 24 Jan 1907 - d. 25 Feb 1969)
STOKES, William D. {I2350}
Stoll, Frank C. {I10228}
STOLWORTHY, Edmund Richard {I10493} (b. 12 Mar 1700 - d. 1807)
Stolworthy, Elizabeth Jinkerson {I10431} (b. 17 Sep 1858 - d. 26 May 1943)
STOLWORTHY, Henry {I10441} (b. 29 Sep 1788 - d. 3 Jan 1836)
STOLWORTHY, Katherine {I10517} (b. ABT 1664)
STOLWORTHY, Mary Magdalena {I7445} (b. 11 Feb 1867 - d. 18 Oct 1939)
STOLWORTHY, Matthew {I10523} (b. ABT 1639)
STOLWORTHY, Richard {I10516} (d. 7 Apr 1730)
STOLWORTHY, Thomas {I10472} (b. 20 Sep 1753 - d. 27 Sep 1827)
STOLWORTHY, Thomas {I10424} (b. 1 Dec 1828 - d. 3 Sep 1916)
STOLWORTHY, Thomas {I2362} (b. ABT 1885)
Stolworthy, Thomas {I2391} (b. 1779)
STONE, Mabel Gertrude Jane {I3069}
Stone, Vivian Lora {I9755}
STONE, Walter Augustus {I5962}
Stones, George Edward {I4716}
Stoolfire, Mary Lincoln {I5941}
Storey, William {I7235}
Stott, Jaclyn Marie {I13529}
STOTTRUP, Anne {I11506}
Stout, Evangeline {I8187}
STRADLING, Chris {I14364}
Stradling, Mary Jo {I8451}
Strange, Andrew C. {I10197}
Strasburg, Albert Nathan {I8377}
Strasburg, Marilyn {I8376}
Strasters, James Walter {I14480}
STRAUGHN, Ann {I9250}
Street, Edna {I6020}
Street, Howard {I5598}
Strenth, {I9676}
STRINGFELLOW, Philip Michael {I14392}
STRINGHAM, George Glenn {I6750}
STRINGHAM, Laird Cyril {I2384}
Strock, Nadine {I5902}
Strom, Stanford E. {I9831}
Strong, Pearl {I8400}
Strubin, Maria Magdalena {I13654}
Sturn, Lola Virginia {I9644}
Styles, Sara M. {I6048}
SUDWEEKS, Henry {I11669} (b. 11 Sep 1815 - d. 20 May 1900)
SUDWEEKS, John {I10435} (b. 12 Jan 1790 - d. 15 Jun 1834)
SUDWEEKS, Richard Henry {I12985} (b. 13 May 1851 - d. 12 Nov 1913)
SUDWEEKS, Vinnie {I2393} (b. 25 Jun 1886 - d. 14 Aug 1971)
Suftin, Florence {I10232}
Suitor, George H. {I11127}
SULLIVAN, Betty Jean {I9036}
SULLIVAN, Dolores Maureen {I9044}
Sullivan, Genivieve {I13729}
SULLIVAN, Gorden {I8169}
SULLIVAN, John J. {I5262} (b. 5 Dec 1901 - d. Nov 1952)
SULLIVAN, Maud Maxine {I1036}
SULLIVAN, Michael {I9034}
SULLIVAN, Michael John {I9041}
Summers, Edward Vaughn {I14281}
Summers, Edward Vaughn {I14065}
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